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The Householder Appeals Service Making it easier, simpler and quicker Sean Canavan Head of Quality and Special Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "The Householder Appeals Service Making it easier, simpler and quicker Sean Canavan Head of Quality and Special Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Householder Appeals Service Making it easier, simpler and quicker Sean Canavan Head of Quality and Special Projects

2 What is the Householder Appeals Service? It’s a new way of working It saves time – simpler It saves resources It builds on good practice of Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) Proportionate process & procedures Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

3 Driver: Improving the Service Government White Paper 80% of Fast tracked appeals are dealt with in 8 weeks Householder cases (approx 6000 a year) More proportionate approach 8 weeks – 12 weeks – 8 weeks Mandatory from April 2009 Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

4 Desired Outcomes Quality of the decision is maintained New targets are met Customer experience is improved Improvements in performance and process for LPAs Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

5 Underlying Principles Administer the appeal by using the original electronic application file held by the LPA This demonstrates joined up government by utilising the advances many LPAs have made in meeting the government's e-government agenda. Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

6 What is the Pilot scheme? Launched January 2008 Voluntary basis only Looking to test and validate assumptions Feeds findings into main project Cannot maximise full potential without legislative changes Gain support from appellants and LPAs Time and cost based incentives Easing the pain of Business Change Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

7 Procedure Changes For LPAs Planning file must be in 100% e- format All communication will be by email including questionnaire and policies (Where the Appellant has an email address) Based on a well written planning decision notice No formal statement sent No need to attend the site visit Planning officers can be freed up to tackle more complex issues Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

8 Procedure Changes For Appellant / Inspectorate New shortened appeal forms and questionnaire Forms can be e-mailed to Inspectorate No need to send additional supporting evidence No need to attend the site visit – ‘Access Required’ site visits Inspector uses ‘e-file’ with covering plans/application form in hard copy Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

9 Pilot ‘v’ Full Service Pilot 6 months (26 weeks) to appeal Decision within 12 weeks Appellant may submit an additional statement after initial grounds of appeal Third party right to comment on appeal Full service 12 weeks to appeal, reducing to 8 Decision within 8 weeks No further statement from the appellant No third party right to comment Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

10 How long is it taking? Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

11 How useful are the changes? Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

12 Appellant Feedback ‘I would recommend the Fast Track Householder Appeals process to others in the future. The Fast Track Householder Appeals process offered a guaranteed time-frame with clear predetermined steps. The appeal process was entirely fair, satisfactory and effective’ Mr N Joshi, Edgware, Middlesex Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

13 Appellant/Agent Feedback Positive even where decision has gone against them Like speed of decision All responses agree that the appeal form is easy or very easy to complete 90% of Appellants/Agents responding are satisfied or very satisfied with the Site Visit arrangements Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

14 LPA feedback ‘We found the pilot really useful. The ability to quickly assemble all the key documents online, cut down the expense and time of putting the appeal together. The whole process has enabled our planning officers to be used in a more effective way. The changes have certainly saved us considerable time and money‘ David Groom (Head of Development Control, New Forest District Council) Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

15 LPA Feedback Positive response with 75% of LPAs satisfied or very satisfied Most positive aspect was speed of the process LPAs find the fact that there is no need to attend the Site Visit as the most useful of the changes as part of the Pilot. Not having to submit an appeal file is seen as useful or very useful LPAs also like the shorter questionnaire, and in the majority of cases, providing files electronically (One LPA cited overhead of checking e-file and getting re-indexing/scanning of documents as an issue) Contentious area is inability to provide a statement on committee overturns (this area is being addressed on an individual basis for the Pilot). Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

16 Pilot Overview as of September 2008 Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker Appeals received88 Appeals decided54 Within 8 weeks6 Within 12 weeks48 Missing Target0 LPAs signed up30 LPAs submitting cases16 Inspectors signed up to the pilot 17 Inspectors deciding Appeals Salaried12 NSI3

17 Marketing our product – focused engagement RTPI Planning Convention Planning Portal workshops Planning Portal ‘landing page’ Letter sent to Heads of Planning and DC Managers Regional RTPI events Pilot project manager Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

18 Summary The Pilot is a success Meeting and exceeding our targets Inspectors like the site visit flexibility Appellants like quicker decisions LPAs like the improved processes Appreciation of business change Underpinned by effective communications Householder Appeals Service – Making it easier, simpler and quicker

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