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Spelling and Phonics Add –able (if the base word ends without a vowel) or –ible (if the base word ends with a vowel or has not base word). 1. depend 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling and Phonics Add –able (if the base word ends without a vowel) or –ible (if the base word ends with a vowel or has not base word). 1. depend 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling and Phonics Add –able (if the base word ends without a vowel) or –ible (if the base word ends with a vowel or has not base word). 1. depend 2. Response 3. Observe 4. Admire 5. Comfort Grammar and Usage Direct Object (DO) = receives the action of an action verb. Answers– what or whom? Circle the DO. 1. Rebecca tied a bow in her sister’s hair. 2. We sang tunes during the long car ride. 3. Ursula drove a boat for the first time. 4. They give stickers to everyone who comes. Spelling (/ē/ /Ə/) Show syllables and accents. 1. Niece 2. Neither 3. Steer 4. Machinery 5. Thief 6. Proceed Geography 1. What is the center on the Artic region polar projection map? 2. On a polar projection, the latitude lines appear as ____. Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Root: flex = to bend. Underline the root, give its def. 1. Deflect 2. Flexed 3. Flexible 4. reflection 5. Inflection 6. Reflex Vocab Fill in the missing leters: O, B, L, C, E, A, I to make a word that is a synonym of fiesta. __ E__ __ __ R __ T __ __ N * Name activities associated with fiestas: Writer’s Secret Find and rewrite a sentence with a Direct Object. D.O. receive the action of an action verb. It answers the question what? Or whom? Richard dumped water in the hole. Commonly Confused Words Beside (prep)- next to, by the side of Besides (prep)- in addition to Besides (adv)- moreover, as well Write 1 sentence for each word. Poetry  Write a poem about being in a beautiful, full garden. Talk about the things you can eat, smell, see, and touch. It can be magical. Andrew Marvell- “The Garden” What wondrous life is this I lead! Ripe apples drop about my head; The luscious clusters of the vine Upon my mouth do crush their wine; The nectarine and curious peach Into my hands themselves do reach; Stumbling on melons, as I pass, Ensnared with flower, I fall on grass. Spelling and Grammar Write the past tense of these irregular verbs: 1. Dive 2. Draw 3. Freeze 4. Shake 1 Daily RevUps Week 8

2 Spelling and Phonics Add –able or –ible. 1. understand 2. Predict 3. Flex 4. Avail 5. love Grammar and Usage Circle the DO. 1. My mothers likes fresh flowers in a vase. 2. We traced pictures in the sand. 3. Mrs. B. sells sandglass by the seashore. 4. Miguel races cars for a living. 5. I stuck the note to the side of the refrigerator. Spelling (/ē/ /Ə/) Show syllables and accents. 1. Medicine 2. Grief 3. Received 4. Brief 5. Agreement Geography 1. Which continents are included in the Artic region? 2. Which special line of latitude runs through northern Asia, northern Europe, and northern North America? Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Deflect, flexed, flexible, inflection, genuflect, reflection 1. It is said that Narcissus stared at his ____ in a pool of water. 2. The body builder ___ the muscles in her arms. 3. The slight ___ in the teacher’s voice revealed his southern roots. 4. The firefighter tried to ___ attention away from the victim. Vocab Add related words or phrases to the word web. Customary ______ traditional _________ _______ * Antonym of traditional: D E R M N O Writer's Secret Commonly Confused Words Poetry  Think about a poem or poet. Write a poem that is all ?’s, asking the poet how she/he came to write. Ask him/her ?’s as you had wondered about writing poetry. James Weldon Johnson How came your lips to touch the sacred fire? How, in your darkness, did you come to know The power and beauty of the minstrel’s lyre? Who first from midst his bonds lifted his eyes? Who first from out the still watch, lone, and long, Feeling the ancient faith of prophets rise Within his dark-kept soul, burst into song? Spelling and Grammar Write the past participles (has, have, had) of the irregular verbs 1. Freeze 2. Grow 3. Become 3. Do 4. Know 5. Eat 2 Daily RevUps Week 8

3 Spelling and Phonics Add –able or –ible. 1. terror 2. Divide 3. Accept 4. Collect 5. Fashion 6. break. Grammar and Usage Circle the DO. 1. We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, and radishes in our garden. 2. The doctor checked my throat for spots. 3. My uncles tell funny stories. 4. The crickets made noises all night long. Spelling (/ē/ /Ə/) Show syllables and accents. 1. Squeeze 2. Needless 3. Speech 4. Weekly 5. Convince Geography 1. Name at least 4 labeled seas that are located with the Arctic Circle. 2. Name at least 4 labeled countries that are located in the Artic region. Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Chron, ject, pac, voc, chrom, ven 1. Con _ _ _tion – a meeting 2. _ _ _ _ _atics – the branch of science that deals with color 3. inter_ _ _ _ion – a word or remark thrown in between others. 4. _ _ _ifier- an object given to a baby to keep it peaceful Vocab Associated with the word heritage. customs, weather, family photographs, holidays, traditions, a person’s last name, video games, computers, telephone calls Writer's Secret Find and rewrite 2-3 sentences with a Direct Object. Commonly Confused Words Boar (n)- a male or wild pig Boor (n)- a crude person, or clumsy person 1. You know, you are a complete (boar, boor) when you start with your ethnic jokes. 2. Tom was recovering from the wound inflicted on him by a wild (boar, boor). 3. Morgan’s sharp put-downs gave her the reputation of a (boar, boor). 5. Syn _ _ _ _ _ize- to set at the same time 6. _ _ _ation- a person’s calling Poetry  imagine the scene Write a poem about something that is usually very busy that you have seen in a calm state- a city, supermarket, playground restaurant… Try to capture the moment of quietness. Write about how the experience affected you. William Wordsworth “Upon Westminster Bridge September 3, 1802”, London. Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be soul who could pass by A sight so touching in it majesty: This City now dot, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theaters, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air…. Spelling and Grammar Complete the principal parts PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE rode saw shook shrank spoke swam threw wrote 3 Daily RevUps Week 8

4 Spelling and Phonics Chose the correct spelling. 1. miserable, miserible 2. reversable, reversible 3. reasonable, reasonible 4. divisable, divisible 5. comfortable, comfortible 6. flexable, flexible Grammar and Usage Indirect Objects (IO) = names the person for whom or to whom something is done. Circle the action verbs, underline the IO. 1. The librarian informed us of the fee for the overdue books. 2. The doctor gave Cindy medicine. 3. Leo showed us the waltz. 4. He told the crowd a funny joke. Spelling (/ē/ /Ə/) Show syllables and accents. 1. Peer 2. Pier 3. Nieces 4. Thieves 5. Creeping Geography 1. A polar projection map is an equidistant projection. Do equidistant projections show distance and direction, or size and shape correctly? 2. Which continent is located at 30°E longitude, and which continent is located at 150°W longitude? Commonly Confused Words Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Scrib, nov, derm, fid, mort, mit, soph 1. Re_ _ _tance- sent back 2. _ _ _ _istry- wise-sounding, but misleading reasoning. 3. epi_ _ _ _is- the outer layer of the skin 4. _ _ _ _ _ble- to write marks that don’t mean anything 5. re_ _ _ate- to make new Vocab Choose the best word to complete the sentence. On Memorial Day, we _____ soldiers who died in wars. a. celebrate b. Ignore c. Commemorate d. Disregard * Name other words that have the root: -mem-. Writer's Secret Find a passage and sort 3-4 direct objects and identify the nouns it modifies. Bore (v)- to make a hole in, drilling Bore (v) to tire with dullness Bore (n) someone who bores ↓ 1. The termites (boar, boor, bore) holes in the wooden foundations of the house. 2. Students were never (boared, boored, bored) in Mr. M’s biology class. 3. Jill plans to (boar, boor, bore) 3 holes in the cabinet. 4. Ron (boar, boor, bore) the criticism of his art quite well. 6. _ _ _ _ification- humiliation so great you wish you were dead 7. Con _ _ _ant- a person you can trust with your secrets Poetry  a fantastical made-up place Imagine your own pleasure-dome or fantastical place with another shape or landscape. Write a poem about it. Include contrasting ideas (sunny and icy) Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Kubla Khan” In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills… 4 Daily RevUps Week 8

5 Spelling and Phonics Chose the correct spelling. 1. unacceptable, unacceptible 2. visable, visible 3. breakable, breakible 4. available, availible 5. predictable, predictible 6. responsable, responsible 7. dependable, dependible Grammar and Usage Identify the S and V, circle the DO, underline the IO. 1.The neighbors left Jane a pig. 2. Cameron brought us the scooter. 3. Sydney told me a secret. 4. My cousin set me a postcard. 5. The man wrote his friend a postcard. Spelling (/ē/ /Ə/) Show syllables and accents. 1. Machine 2. Procedure 3. Briefly 4. Speeches 5. Convincing Geography 1. Which country includes this address: 75°N, 120°W? 2. What is the latitude of the northernmost point of the USA? Prefixes/Suffixes/ Roots Meter, avi, man, mort 1. _ _ _uscript- something written by hand 2. Sphygmomano _ _ _ _ _- an instrument used by a doctor to measure blood pressure 3. _ _ _ _ician- an undertaker 4. _ _ _ary- a place where birds are kept Vocab Match the word on the left with what it commemorates. Bicentennial 25 th anniversary 50 th anniversary 100 th anniversary 200 th anniversary Centennial Writer's Secret Write your own sentence (s) using Direct Objects and identify the nouns it modifies. Commonly Confused Words Born (adj)- brought forth by birth Borne (past participle of to bear)- carried, supported, endured 1. (Born, Borne) on July 4, Ben celebrated his birthday along with the birth of the nation. 2. The entire weight of the two boys was (born, borne) by the hose. 3. Gloria, a (born, borne) actress, won a full scholarship to NYU. Poetry Repetition can make poem sound more like music. Try to write a 6-line poem in which at least 3 lines are the same or almost the same (repeating the same line each 3 times). Write about a journey. Spelling and Grammar Simple subject (SS)- contains 1 noun/pronoun. Compound subject (CS)- contains more than 1 noun/pronoun. Write each of these types of sentences. 4. In a huge basket, the eight puppies were (born, borne) to the animals shelter for adoption. 5 Daily RevUps Week 8

6 66 Extensions Vocabulary Plan a school celebration in commemoration on a holiday. Prepare a poster that announces the celebration and tells the time, place, and activities planned. –Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, MLK Day, Thanksgiving Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, New Year’s Day Geography 1)Arctic Circle 2)Arctic region 3)Cartographer 4)Equidistant projection 5)Polar projection

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