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Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends Second Grade Reading.

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2 Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends Second Grade Reading

3 Vocabulary Words robot wad trash electricity

4 robot A machine that is run by a computer.

5 wad A small, soft ball or chunk of something.

6 trash Anything of no use or that is worn out.

7 electricity A kind of energy that makes light and heat.

8 Amazing Words construct sidekick unique contraption foolproof daydream project scrap

9 construct To build or put together.

10 sidekick A good friend or a partner.

11 unique Only one; one of a kind.

12 contraption Something that is put together in a very odd way.

13 foolproof So simple and safe that anyone can use.

14 daydream When you are awake but you are thinking of pleasant things.

15 project Something planned and then done.

16 scrap A tiny piece of something.

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