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Perpendicular lines By Alma Villarreal. What are perpendicular lines? Perpendicular lines are lines, segments, or rays that intersect toform right angles.

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Presentation on theme: "Perpendicular lines By Alma Villarreal. What are perpendicular lines? Perpendicular lines are lines, segments, or rays that intersect toform right angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perpendicular lines By Alma Villarreal

2 What are perpendicular lines? Perpendicular lines are lines, segments, or rays that intersect toform right angles. Perpendicular lines are lines, segments, or rays that intersect to form right angles.

3 Perpendicular to Parallel Perpendicular rotate one line 90° parallel Question: What is the difference between perpendicular and parallel? Answer: 90 degrees (a right angle). If you rotate a perpendicular line by 90° it will become parallel (but not if it touches), and the other way around.

4 How to know if lines are perpendicular. A line meeting another at a right angle or 90° is said to be perpendicular to it. Two lines are perpendicular if the product of their slopes is -1. Also, the two intersecting lines form right angles.

5 Perpendicular Lines in Algebra If two nonvertical lines are perpendicular, then their slopes are negative reciprocals (opposite reciprocals) of one another, or the product of their slopes is –1.

6 Perpendicular Lines in Algebra Conversely, if the slopes of two lines are opposite reciprocals of one another, or the product of their slopes is –1, then the lines are nonvertical perpendicular lines.

7 How Perpendicular Lines May Look Perpendicular lines may also look like this. These lines are still perpendicular because all the angles are 90.

8 Perpendicular Lines Lines do not have to intersect to be perpendicular. In the figure below, the two lines are perpendicular to each other even though they do not touch.

9 Perpendicular Lines You can test if lines are perpendicular by extending the lines until they cross. If they do not cross, then they are parallel.

10 How to Draw Perpendicular Lines Steps 1 & 2 Step1: Start with a line and point K on that line. Step2: Set the compass width to a medium setting. The actual width does not matter..

11 Step 3 Step 3: Without changing the compass width, mark a short arc on the line at each side of the point K, forming the points P, Q. These two points are the same distance from K.

12 Steps 4 & 5 Step4: Mark off an arc on one side of the line. Step5: With the compass on P, set its width to any setting beyond K.

13 Step6: Without changing the compass width, repeat from point Q so that the two arcs cross each other, creating the point R. Step7: Using the straight edge, draw a line from K to where the arcs cross. Step8: Done. The line KR just drawn is perpendicular to the line PQ at K. Steps 6, 7 & 8


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