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Joint Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping
Key Reference Li, Q., and R. L. Wu, 2009 A multilocus model for constructing a linkage disequilibrium map in human populations. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 8 (1): Article 18.

2 Genetic Designs for Mapping
Controlled crosses – Backcross, F2, full-sib family, … (linkage) Unrelated (random) individuals from a natural population (linkage disequilibrium) Cases and controls from a natural population Unrelated (random) families from a natural population (linkage and LD) Related (non-random) families from a natural population (linkage, LD and identical-by-descent) Family designs are increasingly used for genetic studies because of much information contained.

3 Natural Population Consider two SNPs 1 (with two allele A and a) and 2 (with two alleles B and b) The two SNPs are linked with recom. frac. r The two SNPs form four haplotypes, AB, Ab, aB, and ab Prob(A) = p, Prob(B) = q, linkage disequilibrium = D. We have haplotype frequencies as

4 Diagrammatic Presentation

5 Family Design: family number and size

6 Mating frequencies of families and offspring genotype frequencies per family

7 HWE assumed Can you figure out where this assumption is needed?

8 Segregation of double heterozygote
Overall haplotype frequencies produced by this parent are calculated as 1/2ω1 for AB or ab and 1/2ω2 for Ab or aB

9 A Joint Probability Mother genotypes (Mm) Father genotypes (Mf )
Offspring genotypes (Mo) P(Mm,Mf,Mo) = P(Mm,Mf)P(Mo|Mm.Mf) = P(Mm)P(Mf)P(Mo|Mm,Mf)

10 A joint two-stage log-likelihood
Let unknown parameters

11 Upper-stage Likelihood

12 EM algorithm for Θ E step M step


14 Lower-stage Likelihood

15 EM algorithm for r E step - calculate the probability with which a considered haplotype produced by a double heterozygote parent is the recombinant type using

16 E step (cont’d) Calculate the probability with which a double heterozygote offspring carries recombinant haplotypes by

17 M step where m equals the sum of the following terms:


19 Hypothesis tests Linkage and Linkage disequilibrium H0: r = 0 and D = 0 H1: At least one equality does not hold LR = -2(log L0 – log L1) Critical threshold x2 (df=2)

20 Hypothesis tests Sex-specific difference in population structure

21 Hypothesis test Sex-specific difference in the recombination fraction

22 Simulation


24 Power

25 Power

26 Conclusions The model can jointly estimate the linkage and linkage disequilibrium between two markers - LD from parents - Linkage from offspring The model can draw a LD map to study the evolution of populations and high-resolution mapping of traits

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