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Boulder, Colorado March 3, 2011 Lucille E. Davy, Senior Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Boulder, Colorado March 3, 2011 Lucille E. Davy, Senior Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boulder, Colorado March 3, 2011 Lucille E. Davy, Senior Advisor

2 Why Common Core State Standards? Disparate standards across states – student mobility College remediation Entry-level workforce skill deficiencies 21 st century global competition Technology’s impact on the workplace

3 Advantages of common standards Consistent learning goals for all students regardless of where they live; faithful implementation Too many students graduating from high school and passing required tests but not ready for college and career success Opportunities for system efficiencies so resources can be dedicated to improving student performance

4 Criteria for the CCSS Fewer, clearer and higher Aligned with college and work expectations Collaborative development building upon the best of existing state standards Based on evidence and research Internationally benchmarked to ensure students are globally competitive

5 Advances in the ELA Standards Text complexity Clear vertical progressions across grades Balance of literature and informational texts; background knowledge Literacy standards for science and history/social studies – content teachers also responsible for literacy skills Writing to persuade and inform

6 Advances in the ELA Standards Speaking Listening Media and technology are integrated

7 Advances in the Math Standards Address the “math wars” – conceptual understanding and computational fluency Eliminate the “mile wide – inch deep” approach Focus in the early grades on numbers to build a solid foundation including mastery of arithmetic, operations, and fractions

8 Algebra is the gateway…

9 Advances in the Math Standards High school math focus on using and applying math to solve complex and real world problems Develop understanding of real world applications and data in middle and high school years Optional path described for students interested in STEM-focused college programs and careers

10 Implementation – Critical Next Steps Curriculum Instructional materials (including technology based; open source) Assessment system Accountability Teacher pre-service preparation and professional development

11 Higher Education Collaboration Higher education engagement and partnerships are needed for several aspects of implementation Assessments Professional development Teacher/school leader preparation

12 Implementation – Teacher Preparation and Professional Development Professional development to support teaching of the Common Core – new expectations Attention to the needs of all learners – including students with disabilities and English language learners Transformation of teacher education programs

13 Changing Assessments…

14 Implementation of Assessments Review of current state assessments Analysis of improved alignment to the Common Core – and possible modifications Transition to new assessment system – including formative and benchmark Accountability transition – raising the bar to meet true college and career-readiness

15 Two Assessment Consortia Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) “governing” states include NY, FL, MA, AZ, MD, LA, IL and IN; participating states include CA, PA, OH, NJ, KY quarterly “through-course” tests performance tasks and computer enhanced items

16 Two Assessment Consortia Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium “governing” states include NC, WA, OR, WI, MI and CT; participating states include CO, SC, KY, NJ and PA common summative; formative tools curriculum embedded performance tasks online adaptive; artificial intelligence

17 James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy

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