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The European Kidney Health Alliance Working together to reduce the incidence and impact of kidney disease in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Kidney Health Alliance Working together to reduce the incidence and impact of kidney disease in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Kidney Health Alliance Working together to reduce the incidence and impact of kidney disease in Europe

2 Who are we?  Alliance of non-profit organisations representing all key stakeholders in kidney health in Europe Full Members Associate Members

3 What do we aim to achieve?  Raise awareness of the importance of kidney health and the growing prevalence and societal burden of CKD  Influence strategies for early detection and prevention  Promote harmonised standards of care throughout Europe  Influence EU research priorities and secure funding for innovation in care  Cooperate with other key stakeholders in the chronic disease arena  Facilitate exchange of information and provide expertise to the EU policy makers

4 What this means to YOUR Society Create opportunities for nephrology community to engage in the EU public health debate Position the importance of kidney health in chronic disease prevention Strengthen EKHA’s reputation as a key partner in EU Health policy making Increase the recognition of the burden of CKD and advocate for: A European Strategy on Chronic Disease which includes CKD National plans to improve kidney health Policies for prevention (primary & secondary), Policies for screening /early diagnosis Increased funding for research Amplify nephrology’s voice in the health policy debate EKHA members are seen as the driver for kidney health in Europe

5 Chaired by Ms Zofija Mazej Kukovič (Slovenia) 12 MEP members Objectives of the MEP Group Act as a hub for the exchange of experience, information and data on kidney health Drive the development & implementation of targeted EU policies Address specific EU and national policies which have an impact on the lives of kidney patients and their carers Enlisting the support of policy makers MEP Group for Kidney Health

6 European Chronic Disease Alliance Working in Partnership to Call for an EU Strategy on Chronic Disease European Parliament Resolution on NCDs Stakeholder Consultation on NCDs in the EU EU Council Conclusions on Chronic Diseases Joint Action at National level on NCDs EU Summit on Chronic Diseases (2014)

7 Associate Membership of EKHA Benefits: Notification of EU initiatives relevant to the kidney community and explanation of how to use this information and/or participate Notifications of opportunities for participation in EU-funded projects Practical information for awareness-raising, consortia building, policy dialogue… Guidance and resources to complement advocacy and profiling activities at national level Invitation to the annual World Kidney Day policy EU policy event in Brussels Participation at the Spring EKHA planning meeting at which work plans are discussed for the coming year (organised around the WKD event)

8 Page Thank you!

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