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A hypothesis is a ___________________. a. Problem b. educated guess c. solution.

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2 A hypothesis is a ___________________. a. Problem b. educated guess c. solution

3 This is the answer to question #1 A hypothesis is an educated guess that a scientist Gives in order to explain what he or she thinks will happen next in the experiment. or B.

4 What are the three possible hypotheses in this experiment?

5 Hypothesis Motor oil-If we add motor oil to the plants then the plant will die three times faster Bleach –If we add bleach to the soil then the plant will not grow as much as it should in order to survive Windex-If we add Windex to the soil then it will die shortly after

6 Please write a if then statement about the hypothesis we just discussed.

7 Write down these hypotheses in your lab packet.

8 What is salt concentration? Answer: Salt concentration is the amount of salt in a given sample of our soil.

9 How long do you think the plants will live? Share guesses.

10 In your opinion, what will happen to the plants after we add the chemicals?

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