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Changing for the Better Class 226 Jhengsing Junior High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing for the Better Class 226 Jhengsing Junior High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing for the Better Class 226 Jhengsing Junior High School

2 If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~ author unknown ~

3 Where are we? Sanmin District TaiwanKaohsiung

4 Located in the heart of Sanmin District, Jhengsing Community is home to …

5 Kaohsiung Wholesale Produce Market KWPM provides fresh vegetables and fruits at lower prices.

6 National Science and Technology Museum NSTM is a national institution committed to promoting science and technology education.

7 Chang-gu World Trade Center At 222 meters, the 50-story structure is the second tallest building in Kaohsiung.

8 However, there is “a skeleton in our closet”: Precious Pearl Ditch, the STINKY sewage that runs through our community.

9 We can’t understand why it is called “Precious” Pearl Ditch when it’s nothing precious at all. So, one day, we decided to ask the senior residents in our community about it. That’s when we discovered, for the first time, the forgotten past of our community.

10 Those were the days… Back in the early 20th century, almost all the inhabitants in this area were farmers.

11 To make sure there would be sufficient water for their crops all year round, a ditch was dug for irrigation. The ditch was then named ‘Precious Pearl’ because it was as precious as a pearl to them.

12 Up until the late 1970s, Precious Pearl Ditch ran through this area and served as the lifeline of the community.

13 In the 1980s, however, a road was built upon the ditch to meet the needs of a fast-growing community.

14 A long, winding ditch was then replaced by a long, winding road.

15 Rapid development over the past 30 years has given our community a new look. It has also brought changes to almost every aspect of our life…

16 Housing FarmhousesApartment Buildings

17 Vehicles CartsCars and Scooters

18 Food Home-made (Hand-made) Store-bought (Ready-made)

19 Grocery Shopping Mom and Pop Grocery Store (self-employed) Convenience Store (chain store)

20 Recreation Mobile TheaterMovie Theaters

21 Doing Laundry At the River (outdoors) Washing Machine (indoors)

22 Playground Home YardsPublic Parks

23 Primary Domestic Animals Cows (Farm Work) Dogs (Companionship)

24 Despite the many changes over the years, one thing remains unchanged… Buddhist and Taoist temples continue to serve as the spiritual haven in our community for the troubled souls.

25 In fact, you can find more than 8 temples within the distance of half a mile, making our community a religious hub.

26 Life in our community now is convenient. Almost all walks of life can be found. We don’t have to travel far to get what we need.

27 Sadly, the remaining segment of Precious Pearl Ditch sticks out like a sore thumb! An open wound!!

28 The water in the ditch is contaminated with raw sewage.

29 Garbage dump is also found on both sides of the ditch.

30 We want a clean river, a beautiful river, for our community. But …how??

31 After a serious discussion, we have come up with our action plans…

32 First, we will use natural cleaning products, such as vinegar and lemon juice, to stop contaminating water.

33 Second, we will take out the garbage only when the garbage truck comes at garbage pick-up time.

34 Third, we will help clean up the community.

35 Lastly, we will also write a letter to the city council members and ask them to push the city government for better wastewater treatment.

36 Someday… we hope we will be able to take a leisurely cruise down the ditch … Cambridge:

37 … enjoying the artworks along the way. Seoul

38 Development brings more people to our community. However… More people don’t necessarily bring more POLLUTION. More people give us more POWER – the power we need to make a POSITIVE CHANGE.

39 A dream river, a dream community. When we are dreaming alone, it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality. ~ by Dom Helder Camara ~

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