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The Integumentary System. The Skin The largest organ in the body – Covers the entire body Function: acts a a barrier against infection and injury, helps.

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Presentation on theme: "The Integumentary System. The Skin The largest organ in the body – Covers the entire body Function: acts a a barrier against infection and injury, helps."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Integumentary System

2 The Skin The largest organ in the body – Covers the entire body Function: acts a a barrier against infection and injury, helps tregulate body temperature, removes wastes, provides protection against ultraviolet radiation from the sun

3 Contains many types of sensory receptors: pressure, heat, cold, and pain are transmitted to the nervous system from your skin Made up of two layers: – Epidermis – dermis

4 Epidermis The epidermis is the outer layer of your skin It is made up of two parts – Outer layer – made of dead cells, comes in contact w/environment – Inner layer – made of living cells

5 The inner layer undergoes rapid cell division Newer cells push older cells towards the surface, these cells then become flat and the organelles disintegrate. The cells produce keratin which is a tough fibrous protein, when these cells die they form a tough, flexible, waterproof barrier

6 Melanocytes are cells in the epidermis that make melanin Melanin is a dark pigment that protects your skin by absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays

7 Dermis The inner layer of the skin Contains: collagen fibers, blood vessels, nerve ending, glands, sensory receptors, smooth muscles, and hair follicles.

8 Two types of glands in the dermis: Sweat glands produce perspiration (sweat) – Cools you off (evaporation) Sebaceous glands produce sebum (oil) – Keeps skin flexible and waterproof

9 Skin Cancer Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can produce skin cancer Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of cells

10 Hair and Nails Hair and nails are made of keratin – Horns, scales, feather and quills in other animals Hair covers almost every surface of the body – Protection from UV rays – Filters particles from entering body (nose,ears)

11 Hair is made by cells at the base of hair follicles, which are tube-like pockets of epidermal cells Nails grow from cells called nail roots Nails protect the tips of fingers and toes

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