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BELL WORK (Buff Binder): Copy the bolded words in the question below and write your entire answer: Which of the following systems interact to acquire oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK (Buff Binder): Copy the bolded words in the question below and write your entire answer: Which of the following systems interact to acquire oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK (Buff Binder): Copy the bolded words in the question below and write your entire answer:
Which of the following systems interact to acquire oxygen and distribute it throughout the body? respiratory and digestive respiratory and circulatory digestive and integumentary integumentary and circulatory

2 Today’s Standard: describe the interactions that occur among [animal] systems that perform the functions of…defense from injury or illness… (B.10A)

3 Set up today’s page… Page: 71 Date: 3-17-15 Title: Defense
Essential Question: How do animal systems interact to defend the body?

4 SYSTEMS INVOLVED ILLNESS Circulatory Integumentary Immune
(1st line of defense) Immune (2nd line of defense) Circulatory

5 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Main Parts: Skin Hair Nails

6 INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Main Functions: Holds in water
Keeps out foreign objects Helps control body temperature

7 IMMUNE SYSTEM Main Parts: Antibodies (protective proteins) T-cells

8 IMMUNE SYSTEM Main Functions:
B-cells produce antibodies that attack pathogens in the blood T-cells attack invaded body cells Each B-cell, T-cell, and antibody is specific to what it attacks



Main Parts: Blood vessels Heart White blood cells (includes B- and T-cells)

Transports antibodies & white blood cells Transports toxins and waste products to be removed

13 ALLERGIC REACTIONS are your body overreacting to certain substances.

14 MID-LESSON DEBRIEF: Explain how the three systems work together to defend the body against illness. The integumentary system is the first line of defense, keeping out most invaders. The immune system kicks in when something gets past the integumentary system, and uses the circulatory system to move within the body.

15 SYSTEMS INVOLVED INJURY Nervous Endocrine Skeletal Muscular

Electrical & chemical responses Reflexes Hormones


18 SKELETAL SYSTEM Main Parts: Bones Joints Ligaments (bone to bone)
Tendons (muscle to bone) Cartilage

19 SKELETAL SYSTEM Main Functions: Gives support & structure
Protects internal organs Helps you move

20 MUSCULAR SYSTEM Main Parts: Main Function: Smooth muscle
involuntary movement Cardiac (heart) muscle Skeletal muscle voluntary movement Main Function: Moves your body

21 DEBRIEF: Explain how the four systems work together to prevent injury if you touch a hot stove. The nervous & endocrine systems send signals to the skeletal & muscular systems to move the body away from injury.

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