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Carroll County Extension Service. Awards and Recognition  Maryellen Garrison – Sharing the High Impact Research / Extension Award w/ Dr. Lisa Gaetke.

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Presentation on theme: "Carroll County Extension Service. Awards and Recognition  Maryellen Garrison – Sharing the High Impact Research / Extension Award w/ Dr. Lisa Gaetke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carroll County Extension Service

2 Awards and Recognition  Maryellen Garrison – Sharing the High Impact Research / Extension Award w/ Dr. Lisa Gaetke and Theresa Howard (Harlan County FCS). $1000 shared award.

3 Welcome to District 3  Stephen Lewis – Horticulture – KSU  Monique Pearce – FCS - KSU


5 Program and Staff Development

6 Information Technology Trainer for Cooperative Extension

7 District Extension IT Contact for District 3

8 Online Credit Card Processing

9 Fiscal Update/Budget Memo

10 Budget Update for FY 2013-2014  University has provided information on budget for two year period.  Total budget reduction for Year 1 – FY 2013 plus Year 2 – FY 2014 was 5.4%  University announced intent to have a 5% salary adjustment pool for FY 2014.

11 Extension Budget Adjustments Budget reductions made by: 1. Holding positions vacant, county and state level 2. Reallocating state funds 3. Increasing base agent contribution by 2% in 2013

12 Extension FY 2014 1. Expecting to distribute raises to agents and staff based on 5% raise pool. 2. State and county will share expense of the salary adjustment in usual way. 3. Base agent contribution will increase by 5% for expected salary adjustments 4. Counties pay full benefits for full time regular county staff positions regardless of when positions established.

13 Future Budget Concerns  The University is considering a new, resource- based budget model.  All units will be responsible for their own income and costs.  Academic units – primary income is tuition (incentives will be based on increasing student credit hours).  Extension – budget model has not been clarified.

14 College of Ag Budget Future The College of Agriculture has many unanswered questions regarding the new budget model, including:  What are the incentives for non-tuition generating units, like Cooperative Extension?  What costs will be passed along to CES?  Will the income from counties be assessed at the main campus level?  How will future increases in state appropriations be shared with mandated programs such as CES?

15 What can you do:  Consider endorsing the Executive committee of the State Extension Council to draft a letter containing the mentioned questions and sending it to President Capilouto.  Depending on the response to that letter, leaders may need to prepare to inform their state legislative leaders about these questions regarding the College and Extension’s place in the new budget plan for the university.

16 Questions


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