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DO NOW Get out paper to take notes on your first project on Naturalistic Observation.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Get out paper to take notes on your first project on Naturalistic Observation."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Get out paper to take notes on your first project on Naturalistic Observation.

2 Naturalistic Observation AP PsychologyMs. Desgrosellier 5.17.2010

3 Naturalistic Observation observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the situation.

4 Your Project Who shows anger more, males or females? Who shows happiness more, males or females?

5 Your Sample High school students (14 – 18 years old) at Uplift Community High School during their lunch period. Systematic sampling: choose a number and observe every nth person you see.

6 Systematic Sampling

7 Your Sample You must observe at least 50 people.

8 You need to: Choose a group (no more than 4 people). I suggest picking people with the same lunch period as you. Decide which people you will be observing (e.g. every 3 rd person, every 8 th person, etc.)

9 You need to: Create a hypothesis about what you think you will see during your observations.

10 You need to: Create operation definitions for “anger” and “happiness”. These need to be SPECIFIC and OBSERVABLE. So, “mad” or “joyful” won’t cut it.

11 Operational Definitions Right now, create your personal operational definitions for “anger” and “happiness” INDEPENDENTLY. Now, share out with your group. As a group, create your operational definitions that you will observe.

12 Collecting your data: On paper, simply note the gender of the person you are observing. Watch them for one minute. Then note if they show ‘anger’ or ‘happiness’.

13 Collecting your data: GenderAngerHappiness Myesno F yes F no

14 Practice: Watch the following clip and decide whether you see anger or happiness BASED ON YOUR OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS!

15 Operational Definitions Decide whether you need to change anything in your definitions after trying them out with a video. Share out your definitions with the group. Edit again if necessary.

16 Final Product APA-style paper Any data you collect DUE MONDAY, MAY 24.

17 TIMELINE MONDAY: Go over expectations TUESDAY: Collect data and go over paper outline. WEDNESDAY: Talk about results so far and start working on paper.

18 TIMELINE THURSDAY: analyze data and work on paper. FRIDAY: finalize paper. MONDAY: FINAL PAPER DUE!

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