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Purple areas are the ones we want to use ”Mountain Organic Ice Melter” Red areas are where we want to use ”Niglac” Green areas are “neutral” areas where.

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Presentation on theme: "Purple areas are the ones we want to use ”Mountain Organic Ice Melter” Red areas are where we want to use ”Niglac” Green areas are “neutral” areas where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purple areas are the ones we want to use ”Mountain Organic Ice Melter” Red areas are where we want to use ”Niglac” Green areas are “neutral” areas where no changes will be made by humans

2 Cultivating We started gene manipulating several plants in order to make them go in a “sleeping state” witch means that ice or frost only pauses the plants growing process temporarily, and as soon as the ice is gone it will start growing again. We managed to successfully do this by starting of small with a few seed form a couple of corn types and went over to fruits like strawberries and apples, the plants did excellent in every test and now we are giving these seed away to farms. We are currently still producing these seed in our giant greenhouse where everything is going as planned and we will have more seeds coming out this year (2037) Several plants under ice testing Strawberries in a farm (surrounded by frost) Plant breaking out form frosted earth

3 Possible Consequences The problem that we may face after that these substances have been used is that we are using massive amounts of these products and our calculations may be unpredictable. So that is why we are using as little as possible of the most unpredictable substance (Mountain organic ice melter) the margins are marginal but it can have a major impact.

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