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LGN Breakout Session Crystal Ammori, Central RLC Aruna Rao, Vice-Chair LGN.

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Presentation on theme: "LGN Breakout Session Crystal Ammori, Central RLC Aruna Rao, Vice-Chair LGN."— Presentation transcript:

1 LGN Breakout Session Crystal Ammori, Central RLC Aruna Rao, Vice-Chair LGN

2 Overview of Breakout session Discuss the role of the Legislative Liaison LGN Handbook Additional resources available to you – State Dental Associations – ASDA Leadership – ASDA Website How ADPAC can help your LGN Brainstorming chapter activities National Lobby Day logistics

3 Legislative Liaisons Primary role for all-things LGN at your school May designate one person or one per dental class Primary contact with National LGN (or 1 st delegate) Responsible for organizing ADPAC drives, Legislative Lunch and Learns, ‘Meet and Greets’ and National Lobby Day appointments By far, the MOST important role in disseminating information to student body

4 ASDA Website Internet-time!

5 State Dental Associations Every State Association has an Executive Director Most (if not all) have a Legislative Director – This is generally the chief Lobbyist for the Association and someone who knows the state’s members of Congress very well You are encouraged to contact these individuals for help in planning “Meet and Greets” and sponsoring Lunch and Learns

6 How ADPAC can help you! Contact your ADPAC Board Member and invite him/her to your school – You can collaborate a presentation – Aruna has this contact info – or go to for the list ADPAC has money to give to you!!! – $250 grant for holding a Legislative Lunch and Learn – [PASS OUT ADPAC “KITS” HERE AND DISCUSS]

7 Brainstorming Session How are each of your schools succeeding/struggling in LGN-related activities? Is there a positive relationship between your school and the State Dental Association? Is there a positive relationship between your chapter and your administration? What can we do to help you succeed?

8 REGISTER FIRST Arrange transportation and reserve hotel rooms –Hotel Deadline is not flexible Contact legislator’s offices to make appointments –Be persistent if you don’t get a response after the first try, but wait a few weeks before trying again –Look up contact information at or Post appointments on ASDA Lobby Day Appointments website

9 Choose ASDA and ADEA members to go Talk to your administration about going –Our lobbying promotes their efforts also! Fundraise – ask for help from your dean and state/local dental societies Plan early – look for updates from ASDA central office about registration deadline

10 After the meeting –Follow up! Be sure the members of Congress are thinking about ASDA and ADEA and the issues we lobby –Send thank you notes (email or paper)

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