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Where do the translated documents go? An overview and opportunities for harmonisation of terminology. Where do the translated documents go? An overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Where do the translated documents go? An overview and opportunities for harmonisation of terminology. Where do the translated documents go? An overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do the translated documents go? An overview and opportunities for harmonisation of terminology. Where do the translated documents go? An overview and opportunities for harmonisation of terminology. Terminology Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania 7 June 2013 Terminology Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania 7 June 2013 Valda Liepina, DGT, Head of Unit, English Language Department

2 INFRINGEMENT EXAMPLE Transposal into national law of a 2002 Directive Transposed in 2002 and 2004 (transposal prior to accession) Required to be implemented by October 2005 Commission analysis – DG EMPLOYMENT

3 INFRINGEMENT Reasoned opinion DGT EN 2009 DG EMPL 2007 March Letter of formal notice (no confirmation of changes received) DGT EN 2007 May Position on formal notice Response and will inform DGT Lang. 2007 MS 2009 Aug. MS (via Permanent Representation ) DGT lang. 2009 DG EMPL 2009

4 INFRINGEMENT Reasoned opinion 2009 DG EMPL Letter of formal notice (no confirmation of changes received) DGT EN 2007 Position on formal notice Response and will inform 2007 March DGT lang. 2007 2009 Aug. First cycle Second cycle MS (via Permanent Representation) 2009 2007 May 2009

5 LINGUISTIC ISSUES Actions – conduct Unacceptable – unwanted Indirect discrimination

6 WHITE AND GREEN PAPERS White or Green Papers (or any other document used for public consultation) allow Commission departments to consult interested parties before formal proposals are drawn up. Green Paper – initiates a discussion in which the public can take part. White Paper - sets out a policy in a detailed and reasoned manner in order to prompt a debate and reach a political decision.

7 FROM GREEN PAPER TO REGULATION Green Paper: Promoting healthy diets and physical activity: a European dimension for the prevention of overweight, obesity and chronic diseases White Paper on a Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the provision of food information to consumers

8 The Commission Proposal merged and amended two Directives of 1990 and 2000. Six Directives of 1987-2004 were recast in the text. Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, amending Regulations (EC) No 1924/2006 and (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Commission Directive 87/250/EEC, Council Directive 90/496/EEC, Commission Directive 1999/10/EC, Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Directives 2002/67/EC and 2008/5/EC and Commission Regulation (EC) No 608/2004

9 2005 SANCO Green Paper DGT all lang. 2005 MS Responses DGT EN 2006 2007 SANCO DGT all lang. MS DGT EN 2007 (2) White Paper 2007 SANCO Proposal to EP and Council DG SANCO – Provision of food information to consumers Opinion of EECS EP COUNCIL 2011 Regulation of EP and Council 2013 SANCO Questions and Answers DGT all lang. (22)

10 DG EMPLOYMENT – Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21 st century 2006 EMPL Questionnaire Press statement DGT all lang. MS 2006 EMPL Green Paper DGT all MS 2007 DGT EN (50) 2007 EMPL Communication from Commission to the Council, EP, EESC and CR

11 Initiatives considered to be follow-up of the green paper Communication from the Commission: Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security Communication from the Commission : Stepping up the fight against undeclared work Commission Recommendation of 31 March 2008 on enhanced administrative cooperation in the context of the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services Directive 2008/104/EC of the Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on temporary agency work (This proposal of the Commission, however, dates back to 2002) Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning the enforcement of the provisions applicable to the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services

12 MONITORING – DG EMPL, Temporary Agency worker 2008 Directive of Parliament and Council DGT all lang. 2009 EMPL Monitoring letter MS (96) 2009-2013 EN

13 TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISH EMPL-2013-00667- 00-00 Lettre de la RP allemande Directive 2008/104/CE - Ref. Ares(2013)692415 - 15/04/2013 EMPL-2013-00668- 00-00 Lettre RP Autrichienne Directive 2008/104/CE - Ref. Ares(2013)692527 - 15/04/2013 EMPL-2013-00688- 00-00 R é ponse Allemande au questionnaire sur la transposition de la directive 2008/104/CE EMPL-2012-00031- 00-00 Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par Belgique EMPL-2012-00124- 00-00 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC EMPL-2012-00124- 00-01 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC (partie 01) EMPL-2012-00124- 00-02 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC (partie 02) EMPL-2012-00831- 00-00 Gr è ce - Transposition de la directive 2008/104 sur le travail int é rimaire - Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, First Series, Issue 41, 1 March 2012 EMPL-2009-00973- 00-00 Lettre aux Repr é sentants permanents des 27 Etats membres - Directive 2008/104/CE relative au travail int é rimaire. EMPL-2011-00657- 00-00 Response to Mr Simov : Complaint of 31 January 2011 against Bulgaria transposition of Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work EMPL-2011-01406- 00-00 Report of the Expert Group on the transposition of the Agency Work Directive 2008/104/EC EMPL-2011-02202- 00-00 Mitteilung der Regieriung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland an die Europaische Kommission vom 5 Dezember 2011 - Richtlinie 2008/104/EG EMPL-2011-02211- 00-00 Reply from Netherlands of 05/12/2011 - Report Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work EMPL-2011-02214- 00-00 Reply from Sweden of 02/12/2011- Report Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work EMPL-2011-02215- 00-00 Reply from Poland of 02/12/2011 - Report Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work

14 EMPL-2011-02216- 00-00 Reply from Danemark of 06/12/2011 - Report Directive 2008/104/EC on Temporary agency work EMPL-2011-02217- 00-00 Reply from Germany - implementing Directive 2008/104/EC on Temporary agency work EMPL-2012-00031- 00-00 Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par Belgique EMPL-2012-00109- 00-00 Rapport communiqu é par la FINLANDE en application de l'article 4(5)de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC EMPL-2012-00113- 00-00 R é publique Tch è que - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Table de concordance EMPL-2012-00125- 00-00 Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par la Slov é nie 13/01/2012 EMPL-2012-00125- 00-01 Part 01- Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par la Slov é nie EMPL-2012-00125- 00-02 Part 02 - Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par la Slov é nie 13/01/2012 EMPL-2012-00125- 00-03 Part 03 - Directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC - Rapport article 4(5) transmis par la Slov é nie 13/01/2012 EMPL-2012-00124- 00-00 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC EMPL-2012-00124- 00-01 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC (partie 01) TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISH

15 EMPL-2012-00124- 00-01 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC (partie 01) EMPL-2012-00124- 00-02 Latvia - Transposition de la directive sur le travail int é rimaire 2008/104/EC (partie 02) EMPL-2012-00267- 00-00 Bulgaria - Transposition de la Directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire EMPL-2012-00269- 00-00 Roumania - Transposition of Directive 2008/104/EC EMPL-2012-00313- 00-00 Letter to Permanent representatives of the Member States which have not yet sent to the Commission a report in accordance with directive 2008/104/E on temporary agency work. EMPL-2012-00644- 00-00 Lettre de la RP Portugal du 13/03/2012 - Suite Rapport Directive 2008/104/CE EMPL-2012-00644- 00-01 Annexe - Lettre de la RP Portugal du 13/03/2012 - Suite Rapport Directive 2008/104/CE EMPL-2012-00649- 00-00 Italie - Transposition de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire EMPL-2012-00676- 00-00 Pologne - Texte de loi -Dz.U.03.166.1608 USTAWA z dnia 9 lipca 2003 r.- Transposition de la directive 2008/104/CE sur la travail int é rimaire EMPL-2012-00772- 00-00 Rapport communiqu é par la Roumanie en application de l'article 4(5) de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire. EMPL-2012-00773- 00-00 Rapport communiqu é par la Lettonie en application de l'article 4(5) de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire. EMPL-2012-00774- 00-00 Portugal - Decreto-lei n º 260/2009 de 25 de Setembro de 2009 - transposition de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire EMPL-2012-00804- 00-00 Lettre du Minist è re de la Justice du Danemark du 30-03-2012 - Infraction 2012/0032 - Directive 2008/104/CE EMPL-2012-00809- 00-00 Rapport communiqu é par la Bulgarie en l'application de l'article 4(5) de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire. EMPL-2012-00810- 00-00 Rapport communiqu é par la Slovaquie en application de l'article 4(5) de la directive 2008/104/CE sur le travail int é rimaire. EMPL-2012-00811- 00-00 Lettre de la Repr é sentation Permanent du Portugal /Transposition de la directive 2008/104/CE TRANSLATIONS INTO ENGLISH

16 Multilingual terminology projects

17 A DGT ENGLISH EXAMPLE A rare opportunity in a perfect world… Document from Member State (Romanian) Terminology – car parts Researched and collated; translation sent Terms further researched (concept and definition) Entered into IATE A rare opportunity in a perfect world… Document from Member State (Romanian) Terminology – car parts Researched and collated; translation sent Terms further researched (concept and definition) Entered into IATE

18 A DGT LATVIAN EXAMPLE UN-ECE Regulations Many new terms Terminology Coordination Unit conducts a survey > 10 concepts Language departments – Yes/no - Majority

19 COOPERATION WITH LATVIA State Language Centre identifies experts in Ministries (fast and successful) assists in harmonisation of terminology Continuing cooperation with experts (e.g. Fish, vehicles) Video conferences during translation process (longer documents, packages with long deadlines) Follow-on terminology projects (rare, due to administrative procedures) IATE – term entered, but with lower reliability for non-validated terms

20 COOPERATION WITH MEMBER STATES Visiting Translators' Scheme (VTS) Cooperation with Ministries and local institutions/agencies/bodies

21 SOME CONCERNS MS experts view terms in a local context (e.g. eradication) New terms Organic products Biological products Germinal products Bioloģiski Produkti Bioloģiski produkti Bioprodukti DGT translates documents for the EU umbrella terms

22 SOME CONCERNS FOR THE FUTURE Number of experts diminishing Age, experience and background International studies and experience, but less local in-depth linguistic knowledge Language trends Post-Soviet (e.g. Latvianisation of terms) Use of previously published documents Long document cycles

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