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Tim Willits Storytelling and Technology at id Software.

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2 Tim Willits Storytelling and Technology at id Software

3 Who is this guy? Creative Director at id Software –Started at id Software in 1995 –First Published Title: Ultimate Doom –Current Title: RAGE –Level Designer –Lead Designer –Creative Director

4 Purpose Of This Talk How id Software develops stories alongside changing technology An understanding of how to balance storytelling and technology The decisions behind the storytelling of previous titles and what is changing for the upcoming title RAGE An explanation of how id Software wants to build the RAGE franchise through storytelling –not sequel numbers!

5 id Software giving a talk on storytelling – Huh?! Public perception of the company Historically speaking id Software has created some of the most successful and industry shaping games

6 What is video game storytelling? The story in a video game, if done correctly, can be as great as any novel or movie Doom vs. Lord of the Rings –It’s all the stuff in the middle… It’s the experiences It’s the immersion It’s the feelings It’s the memories The “paper story” is only part of “video game storytelling”

7 So what are the other elements of good video game storytelling? Information relayed through experiences What the player brings with them Choices and consequences Player skill Replayability Who they play with

8 Storytelling through EXPERIENCES is the cornerstone of id Software game design It’s the key when developing new technologies It isn’t an excuse it’s the challenge There is nothing worse than a boring game with a great story

9 How id Software approaches storytelling along side changing technology Solid straight forward plot Dynamic story Writer choice Don’t commit everything to the story Concentrate on the experiences –Lighting-Effects-Design –Music-Choices-Immersion

10 The goals for RAGE The story is a larger component in RAGE than previous id Software titles The technology was designed from the ground up to support greater storytelling More experiences through gameplay variety, environments, characters, AI, etc, etc… Proper pacing of gameplay experiences

11 Technology Challenges for RAGE Media size Media streaming Compression Wasteland & level size Development time Asset development AI & Animation Physics NPC interaction system

12 The future of RAGE….

13 Take Away The story in a video game, if done correctly, can be as great as any novel or movie When faced with changing technology focus on the experiences Create your story in such a way that you can push or pull it to accommodate the changes to the game or technology Create modular story elements

14 Questions

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