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Team Games Target level 3>4 My target is to…. Improve my basic knowledge of positions and their jobs within the game.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Games Target level 3>4 My target is to…. Improve my basic knowledge of positions and their jobs within the game."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Games Target level 3>4 My target is to…. Improve my basic knowledge of positions and their jobs within the game.

2 Team Game Target level 3>4 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To improve my basic skills for example passing, tackling and shooting. To improve my basic skills for example passing, tackling and shooting.

3 Team Game Target level 4>5 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. Develop my understanding of attacking and defending principles and tactics within the game. Develop my understanding of attacking and defending principles and tactics within the game.

4 Team Game Target level 4>5 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop my understanding of the laws/ rules of the game and be able to use these rules/ laws when I officiate in a game situation. To develop my understanding of the laws/ rules of the game and be able to use these rules/ laws when I officiate in a game situation.

5 Team Game Target level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop specific aspects of fitness that will help me improve my performance. To develop specific aspects of fitness that will help me improve my performance.

6 Team Games Target level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop my skills using my weaker side of the body I.e. passing, shooting, dribbling, tackling and control. To develop my skills using my weaker side of the body I.e. passing, shooting, dribbling, tackling and control.

7 Team Game Target level 5>6 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To describe / recognise QUALITY of performances using technical terms. To describe / recognise QUALITY of performances using technical terms. To understand the long term effects of exercise on health and fitness. To understand the long term effects of exercise on health and fitness.

8 Team Game Target level 6>7 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To develop my ability to read the game and anticipate what my team-mates will do with the ball. To develop my ability to read the game and anticipate what my team-mates will do with the ball.

9 Team Game Target level 6>7 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To plan my own football warm up / down, to include static / dynamic stretches and health related exercises which are specific to a position. To plan my own football warm up / down, to include static / dynamic stretches and health related exercises which are specific to a position.

10 Team Game Target level 7>8 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To consistently demonstrate previous learned skills with greater control, technique and precision in a game situation. To consistently demonstrate previous learned skills with greater control, technique and precision in a game situation. To execute previously learnt skills and tactics, and the effective use of space. To execute previously learnt skills and tactics, and the effective use of space.

11 Team Game Target level 7>8 My target is ……….. My target is ……….. To take responsibility for my own learning. To take responsibility for my own learning. To use technical terminology fluently. To use technical terminology fluently. To perform skills consistently controlled and effective. To perform skills consistently controlled and effective.

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