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Concepts for Integrating Ocean Science Sensors on Submarine Cables.

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts for Integrating Ocean Science Sensors on Submarine Cables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts for Integrating Ocean Science Sensors on Submarine Cables

2 Science Drivers (What’s it good for?) Tsunami detection and detail Sea floor movement Seismic event detection Mammal monitoring Expansion – interconnection to autonomous platforms and arrays

3 Direct and Indirect Connectivity Imbedded Sensors (at Repeater) Communication with other Sensor Platforms – Gliders – AUVs – Other Indirect power

4 Science on Cables Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor Pressure Sensor Hydrophone Acoustic Modem Cable Repeater

5 Possible Acoustic Underwater Network Master Node connected to cabled infrastructure for near-real-time data transfer Network detects ranges between neighbor nodes – becomes an indicator of seafloor movements Add moorings for 3-D “sensor cloud” One or more sensors interfaced to each node Provide an acoustic interface (and positioning) for mobile platforms

6 Acoustic Hardware Sonardyne FETCH 100-6000 bps USBL compatible Teledyne Benthos SM-75 140-15,360 bits per sec data Modem/float/release LinkQuest UWM 2000 Up to 19,200 bps WHOI MicroModem Tritech AM-300 Modem

7 Sensor Parameters Pressure Sensor Power Bandwidth Cycle / sample rate Estimated cost (range) Possible vendors

8 Sensor Parameters Hydrophone Power Bandwidth Cycle / sample rate Estimated cost (range) Possible vendors

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