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مولد خير الخلق محمّد The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad.

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Presentation on theme: "مولد خير الخلق محمّد The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad."— Presentation transcript:

1 مولد خير الخلق محمّد The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad

2 O Messenger of Allah, O beloved by Allah, O Prophet of Allah, O the one with Great status

3 The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad Is among the greatest greatest endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies

4 مولد خير الخلق محمّد The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad O Messenger of Allah, O beloved by Allah, O Prophet of Allah, O the one with Great status The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad, from great endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies I give him my longings and greetings, scented like lavender flowers In the celebration, my days are beautified, I praise him to receive my reward The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad, from great endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies O Taha (Prophet) I praise you in my poem, its meanings decorates my words And its scents perfumes my statements, and my joy in it and happiness The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad, from great endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies His birth came with mercies, and guidance and a stream of blessings For the chosen one, is the best of the creations, I mention him and perfume my times The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad, from great endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies O Messenger of Allah, O beloved by Allah, O Prophet of Allah, O the one with Great status His birth came with mercies, and guidance and a stream of blessings For the chosen one, is the best of the creations, I mention him and perfume my times The Birth of the best of the creations Muhammad, from great endowments In his anniversary, the chanter sang the most beautiful melodies





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