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MaxEnt 2007 Saratoga Springs, NY

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2 MaxEnt 2007 Saratoga Springs, NY
Computing the Probability Of Brain Connectivity with Diffusion Tensor MRI JS Shimony AA Epstein GL Bretthorst Neuroradiology Section NIL and BMRL

3 Part 1: Diffusion Tensor (DT) MRI (Brain Connectivity later)
Diffusion MR images can measure water proton displacements at the cellular level Probing motion at microscopic scale (mm), orders of magnitude smaller than macroscopic MR resolution (mm) This has found numerous research and clinical applications Short introduction

4 Diffusion: Left MCA stroke
Clinical use

5 Standard Spin Echo Mz Mxy Mxy echo 90 180 RF/RO Gz

6 Diffusion Spin Echo M=Mxyexp(-bD) Mz Mxy echo 90 180 RF/RO Gz D

7 Diffusion: Pulse Sequence
90 180 Echo Train RF Gss EPI Readout Gro Multi directional Gpe

8 Anisotropic Diffusion in WM Fibers
Fibers give anisotropy

9 Diffusion: Single Direction
Example of anisotropy

10 Diffusion Tensor Imaging Model
Basser et al., JMR, 1994 (103) 247 Uses 8 parameters (D ≠ data) λ1 λ2 λ3 The basic model

11 How Diffusion is Measured by MRI
Signal Amplitude Example of signal decay with gradients Diffusion Sensitization (q) Image courtesy: C. Kroenke

12 Image courtesy: C. Kroenke
Diffusion Anisotropy Signal Amplitude Example of anisotropy Diffusion Sensitization (q) Image courtesy: C. Kroenke

13 Mean Diffusivitiy λ1 λ2 λ3 Key parameters MD Mean Diffusivity is the average of the diffusion in the different directions

14 Diffusion Anisotropy RA=0 RA<1
Anisotropy is normalized standard deviation of diffusion measurements in different directions FA and RA most common Range from 0 to 1 RA=0 Key parameters - anisotropy RA<1

15 Baseline image / Anisotropy

16 Color Diffusion

17 Part 2: Brain Connectivity
DT data provides a directional tensor field in the brain, used to map neuronal fibers Detailed WM anatomy used in: Pre-surgical planning Neuroscience interest in functional networks Previously could only be done using cadavers or invasive studies in primates Termed DT Tractography (DTT)

18 3D Diffusion Tensor Field

19 Example of Streamline Tracking

20 Streamline DTT Advantages: Disadvantages:
Conceptually and computationally simple Was the first to be developed Disadvantages: Limited to high anisotropy, high signal areas Can only produce one track Can’t handle track splitting Has the greatest difficulty with crossing fibers


22 Applications: Anatomy
Jellison AJNR 25:356

23 DTT and Crossing Fibers
Major limitation of current methods of DTT Difficult to resolve with current methods and SNR Volume averaging effects Known areas in the brain Decrease sensitivity and specificity, distorts connection probabilities

24 Crossing Fibers Locations

25 Probabilistic DTT Behrens et al. MRM 2003 50:1077-1088 Advantages:
Better accounts for experimental errors More robust tracking results Better deals with crossing fibers, low SNR Disadvantages: Computationally intense Probabilities will be modified by crossing fibers

26 Probabilistic Tractography
Express DT parameters for pixel i Since each pixel is independent in this model the probability for the DT parameters given the data D can be factored:

27 Utilize Angular Error Estimations
pdf Cone of angular uncertainty Low Anisotropy High Anisotropy

28 Probabilistic Tracking
End zone Start zone

29 Example Probabilistic DTT

30 Part 3: Methods and Results
Use prior information!!! Assumption of pixel independence is non_biological Nerve fiber bundles can travel over long distances in the brain and cross many pixels Incorporate this into the model via a: “Nearest Neighbor Connectivity Parameter”

31 Adding the Connectivity Parameter
Add nearest neighbor connectivity parameter No independence between the pixels Each pixel depends on its neighbors via the prior of its connectivity

32 Connectivity Parameter Prior

33 Adding Connectivity Parameter
The preference for connectivity is indicated by the prior for Lij Express this as the probability that a water molecule will diffuse from pixel i to j

34 Parallel Processing Details
Connection between neighboring pixels complicates the calculations When processing on a parallel computer, the values of the neighbors cannot change Example in 1D and 2D

35 Method: 3x3x3 Simulation

36 Results: Connectivity Parameter

37 Coronal Section in Crossing Fiber area

38 Anatomy Comparison

39 Results: Connectivity Parameter

40 Summary DT imaging provides accurate estimation of the tensor field of the WM in the brain Accurate estimation of the connectivity between different brain regions is of great clinical and research interest Prior work has assumed independent pixels Prior information on local connectivity may provide a more accurate representation of the underlying tissue structure Acknowledgements: NIH K23 HD053212, NMSS PP1262, and Chris Kroenke

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