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A Joint Model For Semantic Role Labeling Aria Haghighi, Kristina Toutanova, Christopher D. Manning Computer Science Department Stanford University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Joint Model For Semantic Role Labeling Aria Haghighi, Kristina Toutanova, Christopher D. Manning Computer Science Department Stanford University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Joint Model For Semantic Role Labeling Aria Haghighi, Kristina Toutanova, Christopher D. Manning Computer Science Department Stanford University

2 Most Previous Work: Local Models Extract features for each node and the predicate Classify nodes independently the children The ogre cooked NP S VP NP  (n) Phrase Type: NP Path: NP-up-VP-down V Head Word: children Predicate: cook Passive: false Position: after

3 A Drawback of Local Models S VP The ogre cooked NP the children NP a meal NP PATIENT NP AGENT NP BENIFICIARY NP PATIENT

4 Core argument frame constraints Hard Constraints: No overlapping arguments Soft Constraints: AGENT occurs before other core arguments in a active sentence Highly non-local constraints Model a predicate’s argument preferences No core arguments are bad and so are 10 Verb specific rules: Obligatory arguments We’d like to do this statistically without hand- coding constraints or conditions What we’d like to capture

5 Previous Joint Approaches Argument Language model and Viterbi Decoding (Gildea and Jurafsky, 02) Linear Programming over Local Scores (Punyakanok et al, 04 and 05) Our approach: Capture joint information between features and labels discriminatively

6 Joint Discriminative Reranking Use a reranking approach (Collins 00) Start with local model with strong independences Find top N non-overlapping assignments for local model using a simple dynamic program (Toutanova, 05) Use joint model to select best assignment among top N using a joint log-linear model

7 Reranking Upperbounds Reranking not a serious bottleneck Core arguments top 20: f-measure 99.2, whole frame acc 97.4 All arguments top 20: f-measure 98.8, whole frame acc 95.3

8 Global Reranking Features [ AGENT The company] offered [ PATIENT a 20% stake] [ BENEFICIARY to the public] Core Argument Sequence with predicate and voice [ NP AGENT active:pred NP PATIENT PP-to BENEFICIARY ] Lexicalized version: active:pred to active:offer [ AGENT active:pred PATIENT BENEFICIARY ] [ NP active:pred NP PP-to ] Frame Feature [ NP active:pred NP PATIENT PP-to ] Compare to less likely [ NP active:pred NP PATIENT NP ]

9 Joint Results and Improvements Improvement doesn’t match gold parses (Toutanova,05) Argument Identification Bottleneck Flat ModelJoint ModelError Reduction Dev Set F-Measure74.5276.718.6 % Dev Set Whole Frame Accuracy 51.02 %54.92 %7.1 %

10 Using Multiple Trees Argument identification sensitive to parser errors PP attachment, Coordination, etc.. Path feature becomes very noisy Use Top K trees (Charniak Parser ‘ 05) For top local assignments and trees choose assignment and tree to maximize: Only a small boost in performance ….

11 Dealing with Dislocations Argument dislocation via control, subject raising etc. IsMissingSubject and Path For local with overlap: 73.80 to 74.52 AGENT improvement: 81.02 to 83.08 S VP NP i is S VP expected VP NP i -NONE- The trade gap to widen

12 Final Results F-MeasureWhole Frame Test WSJ78.4556.52 % Test Brown67.7137.06 % Combined77.0444.83 % Genaralizing to other domains

13 Thanks !

14 Why hasn’t it been done? Exponential Blowup! A normal-sized tree in the Wall Street Journal will have about 40 internal nodes to be classified About 1 trillion possible assignments (binary ARG/NONE)

15 Thanks !

16 What we’d like to capture ….. Model predicate’s argument preferences Bad: no core arguments, 10 core arguments Verb specific rules: Require A0 or A1 args Model dependencies between labels and features of argument sequence Discourage repeated arguments Model syntactic alternations: [NPA0,gave,NPA2,NPA1] [NPA0,gave,NPA1,PP_toA2] Principled Parameter Estimation

17 Previous Work: Local Classifiers Extract features and classify each node independently S Phrase Type: NP Path: NP-up-VP-down V Head Word: Dursleys NP VP NP V PP a lesson NP Harry Potter gave the Dursleys in magic NP last week  (n)

18 Core argument frame strongly interdependent Hard Constraints: No overlapping arguments Soft Constraints: A0 occurs before A1, A2, etc… Doesn’t capture statistical tendencies in core argument sequences and their syntactic realization Problems with Local Classifiers… NP A0 S VP NP A0 NP A1 V PP a lesson NP Harry Potter gave the Dursleys in magic NP TMP last week

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