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Dan E. Shackelford, C.H. This class will teach you how to induce a trance and some of the fun things that can be done with that trance. It will not teach.

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Presentation on theme: "Dan E. Shackelford, C.H. This class will teach you how to induce a trance and some of the fun things that can be done with that trance. It will not teach."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dan E. Shackelford, C.H.

3 This class will teach you how to induce a trance and some of the fun things that can be done with that trance. It will not teach you how to be a hypnotherapist nor can you hang out your shingle as a Hypnotist based on this class.

4  What is Hypnosis Exceptionally brief history of Hypnosis Theory of Mind Definitions of Hypnosis  What is Erotic Hypnosis  What can be done with it in BDSM  How do we do it? Components of a typical session Types of Inductions  Demo and Practice

5  Ancient  Franz Anton Mesmer (1733-1815) Animal Magnetism  James Braid (1795-1860) “Hypnosis”  Dave Elman (1900-1967) Elman Induction  Milton Erickson, MD (1901-1980) Indirect suggestion/metaphor


7 Critical Factor Conscious Mind 12% Subconscious Mind 88% HYPNOSIS Input

8  James Braid defined hypnotism as a state of mental concentration focused upon a single idea. (1855)  A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. (2005)

9  The application of hypnotic techniques to sexual exploration and pleasure.  We can create realistic fantasy experiences by removing inhibitions, amplifying the senses, and intensifying sexual responses.

10  Fantasy fulfillment  Arousal and Orgasm Control  Alter Perceptions/Sensations  Alter Behavior Pet Mode Robot Mode Bimbo/Dumb Jock Mode  Mental Bondage  Age regression*

11  Negotiation  Pretalk  Induction  Simple Deepeners  Boiler Plate  Complex Deepeners  Suggestions  Exduction/Emergence  Aftercare

12  Discuss and agree to what will/may be done during the hypnosis session. Discuss the steps involved in the session Include limits on physical contact Include what play is/is not permitted Include post-hypnotic suggestions if any  Informed Consent to be hypnotized and  Informed Consent to what will happen during hypnosis.

13  “Just follow my instructions exactly. Don’t try to make anything happen. But whatever happens, just let it happen and this will be a wonderful experience.”  Act of compliance Move the chair Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor

14  Standard More than 3 minutes  Rapid 1-3 Minutes  Instant Less than 1 minute

15  boredom  confusion  loss of equilibrium  eye fixation  misdirection  shock  overload

16  Process of reducing the subject’s awareness of what is around him by using simple, direct statements and/or actions. Focus. Rocking Count Down Hand Drop Tap

17 Starting now … every sound, every voice you hear … inside or out … makes it easier and easier to … focus only on my voice … and follow my instructions even easier …

18 Starting now … every thing you feel, … inside or out … makes it easier and easier to … focus only on my voice … and follow my instructions even easier …

19 And absolutely nothing I do or say will disturb you in any way whatsoever …

20 Starting right now … whatever I say to you … no matter how ridiculous or absurd it may sound … instantly and completely … becomes your total reality … whatever I say … to you … instantly and completely … becomes your total reality … no matter how ridiculous or absurd it may sound …

21 And starting right now … every breath you take … takes you deeper … and deeper … and you feel better … and better … because the deeper you go, the better you feel … and the better you feel, the deeper you go … That’s right …

22 …and no matter how deeply you relax … your body always remains safely and comfortably seated in the chair/standing with perfect balance. And throughout the session, your body automatically adjusts its position as often as necessary … whenever it is necessary … for you to remain physically comfortable, safe and secure.

23 Not difficult, but require more set-up than simple deepeners. Usually engage the imagination.  Elevator, stairs, or hallway  Passing through Zero  Fractionation

24  Convincer: You really are hypnotized  Remedial: To fix something  Generative: To create new behavior or enhance behavior  Recreational: For entertainment  Erotic: For personal enjoyment

25 “Whenever you are participating in an erotic hypnosis session or a hypnotic scene, your subconscious mind is always aware of three special words – safe words – that it can use to help your hypnotist to understand how much you are enjoying what’s happening at the moment.”

26 “Your subconscious mind says safe words automatically … all by itself. The rest of your mind need not even be aware that you’ve used a safe word … They are strictly between your innermost mind and your hypnotist.” “Your safe words are an integral part of yourself … an automatic behavior as natural to you as breathing. No hypnotic suggestion can ever prevent you from using a safe word. No suggestion can ever prevent a safe word from working.”

27 “The word Green is a safe word that means you are enjoying what is happening to you and want more. Any time you are in hypnosis and are particularly enjoying a suggestion you’ve been given, your subconscious mind may automatically say Green.”

28 “The word Yellow is a safe word that means you are uncomfortable with something that is happening. It may be that you’ve been given a suggestion you do not want to follow, or that you have concerns about it that you want clarified first; or it may mean that you are physically uncomfortable and need to do something about that before you can continue. Regardless of the reason for your discomfort, any time you are uncomfortable or uneasy with a suggestion your subconscious automatically says Yellow.” “When your subconscious says Yellow, every suggestion that is acting on you at the time is automatically suspended; the suggestions are still there but they have no effect at all until you and your hypnotist have agreed that it is okay for them to resume.”

29 “The word Red is a safe word that means your subconscious does not want to continue. It may mean that a suggestion or a scene is unacceptable to you. Any time you feel that you want a suggestion or a scene to stop, your subconscious automatically says Red.” “The very instant your subconscious automatically says Red, all suggestions from that session are cancelled, deleted, and no longer function and your mind returns instantly to your safe place.”

30 “Allow your mind right now to imagine a soothing, safe, comfortable place, either a real place or one that you invent for yourself, where nothing can harm you and nothing can upset you. Make that place as real as you can right now, all around you, feeling safe and protected. Whenever you are participating in a hypnosis session or a hypnotic scene, and your subconscious says your “Red” safe word, your mind returns automatically to this safe place. Whenever you need to observe or understand an experience from your past you can do so from your safe place without feeling the emotions or pain that may be associated with that experience. You can also exit the trance from this safe place quickly, easily, and free of negative emotion or feelings.”

31  One – All relaxation leaving the body  Two – Energy flowing in  Three – Deep invigorating breath  Four – Lungs, throat, head, mind clear  Five – Eyes Open! Wide Awake!  Now!  [Clap Hands] (Optional)

32 Negotiation Pretalk Instant Inductions: 8-Word Induction Cerbone Butterfly Stiff Arm Induction Finger Focus Deepeners Boilerplate Deepeners Suggestions Exduction/Emergence Aftercare


34 Thank You

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