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Advocacy and Campaigning. Synonymous terms – umbrella terms for all forms of influencing Advocacy as engagement with government Campaigning equates to.

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Presentation on theme: "Advocacy and Campaigning. Synonymous terms – umbrella terms for all forms of influencing Advocacy as engagement with government Campaigning equates to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advocacy and Campaigning

2 Synonymous terms – umbrella terms for all forms of influencing Advocacy as engagement with government Campaigning equates to generating support and public pressure Policy Advocacy – influence policy formulation and implementation

3 Why do advocacy and Campaigning? To influence public as well as corporate policy and practice To influence public attitude and behaviour To influence decision making processes To empower communities To affect positive change

4 Advocacy by whom and for whom Advocacy by the people Advocacy with the people Advocacy for the people

5 No Fixed Formula Is the issue technical, legal or political? Is the debate polarised or is there a well supported middle ground? Are there strong vested interests in a particular outcome? How well understood is the issue? What capacity do you have? Legal position on campaigning

6 In order to be effective…. Understand the process of change and develop a clear influencing strategy Understand and maximize “insiders” and “outsiders” role Different approaches to influencing: –Participation in policy consultation processes –Policy networks outside of the decision making processes –Direct and indirect lobbying –Gaining and mobilizing public support

7 “seven deadly sins of advocacy and campaigning” Unclear aims and objectives Activity planning before (or without) developing an influencing strategy Action plans that run to an internal timetable Lack of innovation Messages that do not get noticed and move people Poor monitoring and evaluation Failing to focus


9 Group work issueWhat you want to change? Strategies“Tag Lines” -who? -What? -How?

10 Points to Ponder in Advocacy “Show Don’t Tell” – i.e. projects and partnerships as advocacy “inclusive” – branding and marketing vs. isolation Creativity vs. clarity Building and expanding constituency Know and maximize spaces and create your own space Public pressure vs. insider connection Advocacy is communication – message and reception to influence decision and action Advocacy is Education

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