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Iowa Core Leadership Academy 2010-11 Session 1. Viewing Leadership in The Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Iowa Core Leadership Academy 2010-11 Session 1. Viewing Leadership in The Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iowa Core Leadership Academy 2010-11 Session 1

2 Viewing Leadership in The Office

3 Your learning experience Take a few minutes to jot down some notes about a person you consider to be a great leader Team up with a partner Tell your partner your ideas Listen to your partners’ ideas Identify a common theme in your discussion

4 Shared Leadership

5 What is leadership? Collins (2001) Good to great “Larger-than-life, celebrity leaders who ride in from the outside are negatively correlated with going from good to great.”

6 At your table groups List initiatives have occurred during your years in education. Circle those that have created lasting improvement. What are barriers to lasting school improvement?

7 Understanding Educational Change

8 School culture can stop change dead in its tracks!

9 There are other common reasons why change is difficult

10 People can be irrational Decisions can be made poorly Personalities can get in the way State, district, school, classroom goals can be out of alignment Any change can be difficult to accept

11 Schools engage in self-destructive behavior

12 Quick Fix

13 Some times the most difficult leadership acts are to refrain from intervening through popular quick fixes Peter Senge

14 Attack Abandon Attempt Attempt, Attack, Abandon Cycle

15 “ as the number of changes multiplies, and as the time demands increase, people approach a dysfunction threshold, a point where they lose the capacity to implement changes” --Darryl Conner, Managing at the speed of change

16 So how do we make it happen?

17 First Turn/Last Turn 1. Read individually. Highlight 2-3 items. 2. In turn -- share one of your items, ----- but do not comment on it - The First Turn. 3. Group members comment in round-robin order about the item. (No cross talk) 4. The initial person who named the item then shares his or her thinking about the item and gets - The Last Turn 5. Repeat the pattern around the table.

18 Take a break…

19 Iowa Core Implementation Review the activities on your implementation plan. On sticky notes- Iowa Core activities for 2010-11. Decide if the activity is first order change or second order change. What are the implications?

20 Cultivating a… Personal Learning Network


22 Ideas Spread Like a Virus


24 Google.doc Form

25 CLTs… Next Steps Between now and the next time we meet… – 2 CLT meetings with your team Stay tuned… moodle?...

26 Future Dates Jan/Feb– 8:30- 3:30: CLTs April– 8:30-3:30: Facilitation and Coaching

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