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Infidelity and Cyber Sex Survey

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1 Infidelity and Cyber Sex Survey
Diana J. Kyle Fullerton College

2 Background for Survey Internet use in the United States (Gallup, 2004)
Internet romantic relationships (Albright, 2001; Strong, 1999; Wright, 2002) Cyber sex and fidelity (Kyle, 1999)

3 The Survey Respondents were asked to imagine they were married and that their partner was having a cyber-sex affair on the Internet. 1. To what extent do you feel your partner has been sexually unfaithful to you? (1= not unfaithful, 5 = very unfaithful) 2. To what extent do you feel your partner has been emotionally unfaithful to you? (1= not unfaithful, 5 = very unfaithful)

4 Hypothesis There would be a strong relationship between respondent’s perception of sexual unfaithfulness and emotional unfaithfulness.

5 Sample 42 respondents (21 male, 21 female)
Marital Status: Single = 58.5% Cohabitating = 18.2% Married = % Divorced = 8.45% Unknown = 1.00% Age: Mean = yrs., SD = 1.34 yrs. Ethnicity: % Caucasian 11,1% Latino/Latina 10.4% African-American 8.2% Asian-American % Other

6 Results

7 Results (con’t) As predicted, there was a significant positive relationship between the respondent’s perceived sexual unfaithfulness and emotional unfaithfulness in this sample (r40)=.562, p=.001, r2=.316).

8 Validity & Reliability Issues
Representativeness Realism Limitations of survey

9 Conclusion Internet Use Changing Definition of Fidelity Future Studies

10 Thanks!

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