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Sociology Study of human relationships – Greek LOGUS meaning study – Latin SOCIUS meaning relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology Study of human relationships – Greek LOGUS meaning study – Latin SOCIUS meaning relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology Study of human relationships – Greek LOGUS meaning study – Latin SOCIUS meaning relationship

2 Sociology What is it? – Sociology is a science – Science is divided into two branches Natural Science – Physical phenomena Social Science – Broad spectrum of human behavior

3 Sociology The Social Sciences: – Psychology: individual behavior – Social Psychology: an individual within a group – Economics: production, distribution, consumption of goods & services – History: Chronological study of events

4 Conducting Research Sociologists believe that cause-and-effect relationships prevail in the universe. They assume that under identical conditions the same cause will always produce the same effect. Sociologists do not believe that crime, racism, marriage and inequality simply “happen”. No such thing as fate.

5 Variable: something that influences (or is influenced by) something else. – Race, sex, age, religion, socioeconomic standing Independent Variable: variable that causes an effect (The Cause) Dependent Variable: variable that is affected (The Issue)

6 Conducting Research Hypothesis: an educated guess that can be tested to determine its validity. – Issue: Abuse of children/spouses? – I.V. : Upbringing, alcohol/drug abuse, lack of punishment – D.V. : Domestic Violence

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