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Intel ® Education Assessing Projects: Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Intel ® Education Assessing Projects: Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel ® Education Assessing Projects: Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September  Cebu City, Philippines Supporting Assessment throughout the learning cycle CELIA R. BALBIN 11 September 2008

2 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Goal and Objectives My goal in this session is to introduce to you a free, online tool that can get you started with or support your implementation of ongoing assessment. To achieve this, we will 1.Discuss key elements of ongoing assessment 2.Review common challenges teachers encounter when implementing ongoing assessments 3.Complete a demonstration tutorial on Intel ® Education Assessing Projects application

3 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What is ongoing assessment? Ongoing assessment means integrating a variety of assessment strategies throughout the entire instructional cycle. These strategies are often embedded and contribute to learning and instruction at the same time. Start of lesson/project End Assessment

4 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning In ongoing assessment… a variety of assessments, each for different purposes, are implemented at multiple points within a unit of study.

5 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Assessment Strategies Assessment strategies may be broken into five main categories: 1.gauging student needs 2.encouraging self-direction and collaboration 3.monitoring progress 4.checking for understanding and encouraging metacognition 5.demonstrating knowledge and skill

6 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What do teachers find challenging in implementing ongoing assessment? Many confess Lack time to create own assessments (esp. rubrics) Difficulty in assessing thinking skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, creativity) Insufficient background on student-centered assessment strategies (what, why, how, when, who)

7 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning How does Assessing Projects help teachers make assessments an integral part of their teaching? Assessing Projects meets teachers’ needs in several ways. Use the free online application to develop checklists, rubrics, and open- text assessments from scratch. Save assessments in the Teacher Workspace or share them with another teacher who is registered in the site. Access the database of hundreds of high-quality, ready-made assessments on products and performances, processes, and thinking skills and modify them to meet own needs. Find a wide variety of assessment strategies to use with students. Learn about the research and theory behind successful assessment.

8 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Let’s access the Intel ® Education Assessing Projects website and have a quick tour of its main sections: Overview and benefit Try it Assessment Plans Assessment Strategies Workspace

9 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning The Teacher Workspace Register and log in Browse the assessments Search assessments Modify assessments Copy traits or items Create assessments from scratch Export assessments Manage Personal Library

10 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Suppose you want to use Assessing Projects in your next lesson…

11 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning You may use Assessing Projects as follows… 1.As you brainstorm ideas for the unit, you browse the Assessment Library to see if there are any related assessments you can use. 2.Since you want to emphasize problem solving and collaboration during this unit, you then search the Assessment Library for assessments on problem solving and collaboration. 3.You found a rubric and a collaboration checklist, but you must first modify it to fit the current unit.

12 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 5.In past units, you have effectively used a rubric to assess students’ multimedia presentation. You want to save that to the Workspace. So, you create the multimedia rubric in the Workspace. 6.In addition, you want to address 21 st century skills. You use the Quick Search feature to copy traits from other assessments and add them to your multimedia rubric. 7.You want to add graphics and other design features, so you export it to your computer. 8.You also want to share it to a co-teacher for comments, so you use the email feature to send it.

13 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Suggested next-step use of the Assessing Projects application 1.Get started! Register now and log on to the Teacher Workspace. For Help, go to the Try it section: – follow the tutorial, view the animation 2.Learn more about Assessment Plans, and see how you can design oneAssessment Plans – view samples in the Assessment Plans section

14 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Suggested next-step use of the Assessing Projects application 3.Check out the different assessment strategies you can use to implement formative assessment in your classroom. – Go to Assessment Strategies 4.Learn about how to assess higher-order thinking skills – Browse samples in the Assessment Library – Go to Overview and benefits  Assessing Thinking

15 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What is assessed gets learned! -various authors

16 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Exhibits

17 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning The Assessing Projects homepage

18 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning The Teacher Workspace

19 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Contents of the Assessment Library Thinking skills creativity problem solving critical thinking Processes collaboration/teamwork communication reading reflection research self-direction/self-management speaking writing

20 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Contents of the Assessment Library Products print publications electronic publications reports and essays videos charts, diagrams and timelines Performances lab processes multimedia presentations persuasive presentations oral presentations skills demonstration

21 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What is an Assessment Plan? An assessment Plan consists of an Assessment Timeline and a Table describing the assessment used, who uses it and for what purpose

22 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Sample Assessment Timeline The timeline shows in chronological order the different types of formal and informal assessments that occur during the unit.

23 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Sample Assessment Table before during after back

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