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World War II European Theater of Operations The Naval War.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II European Theater of Operations The Naval War."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II European Theater of Operations The Naval War

2 Components of the War in Europe The Naval War The Air War The Ground War

3 The Naval War The Battle of the Atlantic The Battle of the Atlantic was a tonnage war: the Allied struggle to maintain and the Axis struggle to cut off the shipping that enabled Britain to survive. From 1942 onwards, the Germans also sought to prevent the build-up of Allied troops and equipment in the British Isles in preparation for the invasion of occupied Europe and to destroy all Allied navies. The defeat of the German threat was a pre-requisite for the invasion.

4 The Battle for the Atlantic Six phases:  First phase - Opening moves (September 39 – Fall of France)  Second phase - “Happy Time” (June 40 – Lend Lease)  Third phase - Stalemate (April 41 – Pearl Harbor)  Fourth phase - Second “Happy Time” (January 42 – destruction of PQ17)  Fifth phase - Allied Advantage (August 42 – Doenitz Withdrawal)  Sixth phase - Sea lanes secured (May 43 - May 45)

5 The Battle of the Atlantic Phase One Opening Moves September 1939 – Fall of France “… the only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril.” Winston Churchill

6 The Battle of the Atlantic

7 Phase Two The “Happy Time” June 1940 – Lend Lease

8 The Battle of the Atlantic

9 Phase Three Stalemate April 1941 – Pearl Harbor Beginning in May, 1941 the US Navy became a British ally by taking over convoy escort duties in the western Atlantic. 31 October – USS Reuben James sunk by U562

10 The Battle of the Atlantic

11 Phase Four The Second “Happy Time” January 1942 - destruction of PQ17

12 The Battle of the Atlantic

13 Phase Five: The Wind Shifts August 1942 - April 1943  ASDIC – Anti-Submarine Detection  Depth Charge  Hedgehog  RADAR  HF/DF  ENIGMA/Ultra  Liberty Ships  B24D – Liberator

14 The Battle of the Atlantic May 1943 was the turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic. For the first time, German U-boat losses began to outstrip Allied shipping losses. A number of technological advances made this victory possible.

15 The Battle of the Atlantic Phase Six The Sea Lanes Secured May 1943 - May 1945 Combined Technologies  Reducing the Mid-Atlantic Gap  Centimetric Radar  Merchant Aircraft Carriers  Hunter Killer Groups  Escort Carriers  Destroyer Escorts

16 The Battle of the Atlantic Balance Sheet  Allied losses -  4,600 merchant ships lost (21,000,000 tons)  175 warships lost  Over 30,000 sailors & merchant seamen lost  German losses -  785 of 1162 u-boats lost in action  Of 49,000 officers & men - 28,00 dead; 5,000 captured (67% casualty rate)

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