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Privacy analysis of user association log in an enterprise wireless network Keren Tan.

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy analysis of user association log in an enterprise wireless network Keren Tan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy analysis of user association log in an enterprise wireless network Keren Tan

2 Background To protect privacy, we sanitize network trace before sharing them General sanitization mainly focus on randomizing or truncating explicit user identity information 345356 129.170.212.* randomize truncate

3 Motivation Besides those explicit identity information in each log entry, much information that can be linked to a specific user (or a small subset of users) is also implicitly contained in collected traces.

4 Which one is Snoopy? Person 1 Person 2 Sudikoff, 45min Sudikoff, 55min Bake, 50min Bake, 30min Bake, 60min Gym, 100min Gym, 55min Gym, 80min Sudikoff, 25min NP, 10min Sanitized Person 1 looks like more similar than Person 2?

5 Challenges Scalability! Duration 3 months Dataset size > 50GB Number of users > 22000 Number of APs > 1300

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