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Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Lecture 7 Polymorphism.

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1 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Lecture 7 Polymorphism

2 Introduction Last lecture we reviewed the concept of inheritance discussed how to implement inheritance in C++ This lecture we will introduce polymorphism explain virtual and pure virtual functions learn how to use polymorphism in C++ programs

3 LandVehicl e +move() Polymorphism many forms Greek –"poly" – many –"morph" form the same method can be called on different objects they may respond to it in different ways all Vehicles have a move method Cars and Truck drive Airplanes fly Vehicle +move() Airplane +move() CarTruck

4 Polymorphism example see handout for implementation of Vehicle class hierarchy #include "Vehicle.h" int main(){ Vehicle v ("Transporter 54"); Airplane a("Tornado 2431", 14); LandVehicle lv("My wheels"); Car c("Ford Anglia 22"); Truck t("Red pickup"); v.move(); a.move(); lv.move(); c.move(); t.move(); }

5 Output Vehicle constructor Airplane constructor Vehicle constructor Land vehicle constructor Vechicle constructor Land vehicle constructor Car constructor Vechicle constructor Land vehicle constructor Truck constructor Vehicle Transporter 54 moving Airplane Tornado 2431 flying Land Vehicle My wheels driving Land Vehicle Ford Anglia 22 driving Land Vehicle Red pickup driving

6 Which version of move is called in the previous example, the version of move to be called was determined at compile time –depends on the object type –for Airplane a, the Airplane version of move –for Car c, the Vehicle version of move what about a situation where the type is not known at compile time?

7 #include "Vehicle.h" void moveVehicle(Vehicle * v) { v->move(); } int main(){ Vehicle v ("Transporter 54"); Airplane a("Tornado 2431", 14); LandVehicle lv("My wheels"); Car c("Ford Anglia 22"); Truck t("Red pickup"); moveVehicle(&v); moveVehicle(&a); moveVehicle(&lv); moveVehicle(&c); moveVehicle(&t); }

8 Output …. Vehicle Transporter 54 moving Vehicle Tornado 2431 moving Vehicle My wheels moving Vehicle Ford Anglia 22 moving Vehicle Red pickup moving the moveVehicle method takes a pointer to any Vehicle object which could be any subtype of Vehicle however, the move method to call is determined at compile time –Vehicle version all vehicles move the same way

9 Polymorphic behaviour to get polymorphic behaviour, we would like the version of move() to be determined at run-time if moveVehicle is sent an Airplane object, it should get it to fly do this by using the virtual keyword in the first (base class) declaration of the polymorphic method class Vehicle { protected: string name; public: // other members virtual void move() { cout << "Vehicle " << name << " moving" << endl; } }; now it works

10 Polymorphic output Vehicle Transporter 54 moving Airplane Tornado 2431 flying Land Vehicle My wheels driving Land Vehicle Ford Anglia 22 driving Land Vehicle Red pickup driving

11 Polymorphism polymorphism allows us to use a pointer to a derived type object wherever a pointer to base type is expected Car c("Ford Anglia 22"); Vehicle * v2 = &c; v2->move(); Vehicle & v3 = c; v3.move(); only works for pointer and reference types they store an address – same size for all objects Land Vehicle Ford Anglia 22 driving

12 This won't work Airplane a("Tornado 2431", 14); Vehicle v2 = a; v2.move(); trying to fit an airplane into a space meant for any vehicle can call the move() method, but we've lost the wingspan member variable

13 Virtual destructors constructors cannot be virtual –the correct one is always called anyway destructors can be virtual you should specify a virtual destructor for any class which is overridden so that the object is cleaned up correctly otherwise you might not deallocate all the memory allocated to a subclass object

14 Pure virtual functions sometimes it is not sensible to implement a base class virtual function how does a Vehicle move? a pure virtual function does not have an implementation virtual void move() =0; the subclasses must implement it a class with a pure virtual function cannot be instantiated –if we made it virtual, how would it move? such a class is abstract

15 Comparison to Java in Java, all methods are virtual by default the keyword abstract is used to define pure virtual functions a class containing an abstract method must itself be abstract C++ is more flexible but can be confusing –why have virtual and non-virtual functions?

16 Virtual functions using a virtual function has an overhead the correct method cannot be bound to a method call at compile time it is determined at run-time by looking up the correct method address in a table this takes up time and space if polymorphism is not being used, this is expensive.

17 Summary In this lecture we have: introduced polymorphism explained virtual and pure virtual functions learned how to use polymorphism in C++ programs

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