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Math Vocabulary © Math As A Second Language All Rights Reserved.

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1 Math Vocabulary © Math As A Second Language All Rights Reserved

2 abacus: a frame on which beads are moved along rods to help count, add or subtract quickly without writing.

3 acre: a measure of land equal to 4,840 square yards, or 43,560 square feet, or a little less than a football field. 4,840 square yards

4 acute angle: an angle that measures less than 90 degrees.

5 acute triangle: a triangle that has three acute angles.

6 addend: a number added to another number in an addition problem.
26 = 36 10

7 angle: the space measured in degrees formed by two rays.

8 Arabic numerals: first numbers taught to the Europeans.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0

9 arc: a small part or section of a circle.

10 area: the amount or size of a surface usually measured in square units.

11 average: the answer found by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the number of addends.
9 2 100 5 460 90 45 5 addends 95 1 93 10 82 460

12 axis: a line that shows the horizontal or vertical scale of a graph.
y axis x axis

13 bar graph: a graph that uses bars to compare data.

14 base: the lowest part, the bottom, or foundation line of a figure.

15 billion: a thousand millions.

16 capacity: the amount a container can hold.

17 Celsius: the metric temperature scale on a thermometer where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. 100 C boiling 0 C freezing

18 centigram: a metric unit for measuring mass/ weight. cg
100cg = 1 gram

19 centiliter: a metric unit for measuring the amount a container can hold. cl
100cl = 1 liter

20 centimeter: a metric unit for measuring length. cm
100cm = 1 meter

21 chord: a straight line segment joining two points on a curve.
Chord AB B

22 circle: an unbroken line drawn around a center point where each point on the line is the same distance from the center point.

23 circle graph: a circle divided into parts to compare data.
Hockey 12.5% Football 25% Basketball 12.5% Baseball 50%

24 circumference: the distance around a circle.

25 closed figure: a shape or figure that starts and ends at the same point.

26 common denominator: a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.
1 3 6 18 multiple of , 6, 9, 12, 18 15 18 5 6 multiple of , 12, 18 8 18 4 9 multiple of , 18

27 common factor: a number that divides two or more numbers with no remainder.
greatest common factor 18 {1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} 1 2 3 6 {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, 24} 1 2 3 6 24

28 common multiple: a number (except 0) that is a multiple of two numbers.
least common multiple {4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24} {6, 12, 18, 24, 30,}

29 composite numbers: whole numbers having factors other than one and itself.
{1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} 18 {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, 24} 24

30 composite function: a function with two or more operations.
x x n y x n x y

31 concrete models: a manipulative or physical representation.
sphere circle symmetry

32 cone: a solid object that narrows evenly from a flat, round base at one end to a point at the other.

33 congruent: having the same size and shape.

34 consecutive: numbers or objects with a difference of one following one another in order without a break. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…

35 conversions: exchange for an equivalent value.
96 meters = 9,600 centimeters 30 feet = 10 yards $10.00 = 100 dimes 4/6 = 2/3

36 cube: a solid object with six square faces or sides, all the same size.

37 cubic unit: a unit used to measure the volume of a solid object.
5 cubic units 1 cubic foot = 1 foot long, 1 foot wide, and 1 foot high.

38 cup: a unit for measuring capacity in the U.S. customary measure.
2 cups = 1 pint

39 cylinder: a hollow or solid object shaped like a can with a round top or bottom of the same size.

40 data: facts and numbers that provide information.
2,000,000 people 4,863 feet 25 inch circumference

41 day: the time it takes the earth to make one complete turn on its axis.
24 hours

42 decagon: a polygon or figure with 10 sides and 10 angles.

43 decimal: based on ten. a fraction with a denominator of ten or some power of ten, such as 100.

44 decimal point: the point or period placed in front of a multiple of ten.
. 657

45 decimeter: a unit of length in the metric system.
1 dm = .1 meter or 10 centimeters

46 degree: a unit for measuring temperature and for measuring angles and curves of a circle, represented by the symbol. temperature A = 89

47 denominator: a bottom number of a fraction that shows the total number of equal parts.
1 2 3 4 3/4

48 diagonal: a straight line that connects one corner to the opposite corner of a four sided figure.

49 difference: the number left after subtracting one number from another number.
10 -4 6 = 6

50 digit: a symbol used to represent the numbers 0 - 9.
ten digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

51 dividend: the number being divided in a division problem.
15 7515

52 divisibility: the state of being divided.
36 ÷ 6 = 6

53 divisor: the number that the dividend is divided by in a division problem.
15 7515

54 edge: the line formed where two sides or faces of a solid meet.

55 endpoints: points at the opposite ends of a line segment.

56 equation: a number sentence in arithmetic that shows two amounts are equal.
25 x 10 = 250

57 equiangular triangle: a triangle with three equal angles that each measure 60 degrees.

58 equilateral triangle: a triangle with three sides of equal length and three 60 degree angles.

59 equivalent fractions: fractions that equal the same number.
2/5 = 4/10 5/8 = 10/16

60 estimate: a general but careful guess about the value, size, quantity, or cost of something.

61 even number: a number having no remainder when divided by two,
ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. 6,581,250 353,196

62 expanded notation: a numeral written in expanded form using place values.
76, 582 = (7 x 10,000) + (6 x 1000) + (5 x 100) + (8 x 10) + (2 x 1)

63 exponent: a number that shows how many times a base number is used as a factor.
4 6 = 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1296

64 expression: a group of numbers or symbols representing a quantity or operation.

65 face: the flat surface of a solid object.

66 factor: a number being multiplied to obtain an answer or product.
6 X 9 = 54

67 Fahrenheit: the temperature scale on a thermometer where water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at degrees. 212 F boiling 32 F freezing

68 figure: an object that has shape, outline or form.

69 fluid ounce: a liquid unit for measuring capacity in the U. S
fluid ounce: a liquid unit for measuring capacity in the U.S. Customary System. 8 fl oz = 1 cup

70 foot: a unit of length in the U.S. Customary System.
1 ft = 12 inches

71 fraction: one or more of the equal parts into which a whole number is divided.
1/2 3/5

72 function machine: a device which allows you to put numbers in and get numbers out according to an arithmetic rule. x 4 2 8

73 gallon: a unit for measuring liquids in the U.S. Customary System.
1 gal = 4 quarts

74 geometry: the part of mathematics that deals with and measures lines, angles planes, and solid figures.

75 grams: a metric unit for measuring weight or mass. g
1000g = 1 kilogram

76 graphs: 1. diagrams that show relationships between variables.
Temperature Days of the Week

77 graphs: 2. the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given function.
x = y (5,5) (4,4) (3,3) (2,2) (1,1) (0,0)

78 greater than: a term used to compare numbers.

79 grid: a pattern of evenly spaced vertical and horizontal lines that form squares, used for locating points on a map or chart.

80 gross: a group of 12 dozen, or 144 items.

81 hexagon: a polygon or figure with six sides and six angles.

82 heptagon: a polygon or figure with seven sides and seven angles.

83 hundredth: one of 100 equal parts written as 1/100 or .01.
.16 = 16 hundredths

84 inch: a unit of length in the U.S. Customary System.

85 input-output: an independent variable put in produces a dependent variable coming out.
input x y output input output input output

86 integers: all the positive and negative whole numbers including 0.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 …

87 interior angles: are the inside angles of a polygon whose sides intersect at the vertex.

88 intersection: where two lines meet or cross.

89 isosceles triangle: a triangle with two congruent sides and two congruent angles.

90 kilogram: a metric unit for measuring weight or mass. kg
1000g = 1 kg

91 kiloliter: a metric unit for measuring capacity. kl
1000 liters = 1 kl

92 kilometer: a metric unit for measuring length. km
1000 meters = 1 km

93 kite: a four-sided figure with two pairs of adjacent sides equal.

94 less than: a term used to compare numbers.

95 line: a path along a set of points that extends in both directions indefinitely.

96 line graph: a graph that uses a line to show changes over a period of time.

97 line plot: a line used to plot or place numbers.
X X X X X X -2 -1 1 2

98 line segment: part of a line with two endpoints.

99 1000 milliliters = 1 l or a little less than a quart
liter: a metric unit for measuring capacity. l 1000 milliliters = 1 l or a little less than a quart

100 mean: the answer found by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the number of addends. Average.
9 2 100 5 460 90 45 5 addends 95 1 93 10 82 460

101 median: the middle number in a set of numbers after they have been arranged highest to lowest.
65, 60, 58, 55, 50 58

102 meter: a metric unit for measuring length. m
100 centimeters = 1m or inches

103 metric system: a system of weights and measures based on tens, hundreds, and thousands.
grams liters meters

104 mile: a unit of length in the U.S. Customary System.
1 mile = 5,280 ft

105 milligram: a metric unit for measuring weight or mass. mg
1000 mg = 1 gram

106 milliliter: a metric unit for measuring capacity. ml
1000 ml = 1 liter

107 millimeter: a metric unit for measuring weight or mass. mm
1000 mm = 1 meter

108 minuend: a number from which another number is subtracted.
6, 8 9 0, 8 7 5 - 3, 2 3 6, 7 9 8 3, 6 5 4, 0 7 7

109 mixed number: a number that contains a whole number and a fraction.
5 1/2

110 multiple: the product of a given number and any whole number.
multiple of two 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…

111 multiplication: the process of repeated addition.
3 x 5 = 15 = 15

112 negative integer: an amount or number less than zero written with the symbol (-).
-14 -45 -28

113 nonagon: a polygon or figure with 9 sides and 9 angles.

114 numerator: the number above the line in a fraction that shows the number of parts chosen.
8 9

115 obtuse angle: an angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180.

116 obtuse triangle: a triangle with one obtuse angle.

117 octagon: a polygon or figure with 8 sides and 8 angles.

118 odd number: a number having a remainder when divided by two,
ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. 6,581,257 353,193

119 open figure: a shape or figure whose outside lines do not come together and close the figure or shape.

120 ordered pair: a pair of numbers that show a location on a grid.

121 order of operations: rules to follow: 1
order of operations: rules to follow: 1. Do what is in parenthesis first. 2. Do exponents next. 3. Multiply and divide from left to right. 4. Add and subtract from left to right. 2 (2 + 4) x 4 ÷ = b 2 (6) x 4 ÷ = b (36) x 4 ÷ = b 144 ÷ = b = b = b b = 73

122 ounce: a unit of measuring weight in the U.S. Customary System.
16 oz = 1 pound

123 parallel lines: lines that are always the same distance apart and never intersect.

124 parallelogram: a four sided figure with opposite sides parallel and of equal length.

125 pentagon: a polygon or figure with five sides and five angles.

126 percent: a quantity measured by the number of units compared with 100 represented by the symbol %.
96 100 = .96 = 96%

127 perimeter: the distance around a polygon or figure.

128 pentagon: a polygon or figure with five sides and five angles.

129 perpendicular lines: two lines that intersect and form right angles.

130 pi: the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle.

131 pint: a unit of measuring liquids in the U.S. Customary System.
1 pt = 2 cups

132 plane: a flat level surface extending in all directions.

133 place value: a value assigned to a position in a number.
1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 5,327,689

134 point: an exact location in space usually labeled with a letter.

135 polygon: a closed, flat shape or figure formed by line segments.

136 positive integer: an amount or number greater than zero.
+14 +45 +28

137 pound: a unit of measuring weight in the U.S. Customary System.
1 lb = 16 oz

138 prediction: a guess about a future event based on mathematical or scientific facts.
Solar Eclipse

139 prime numbers: numbers that only have itself and one as factors (starting with 2).
2 = 2 x 1 3 = 3 x 1 5 = 5 x 1 {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17…}

140 prime factorization: a process used to find all prime factors of a number.
24 6 x 4 Prime Factors 2 x 3 x 2 x 2

141 prism: a solid object with two ends that are equal and parallel and sides that are parallel.

142 probability: a mathematical basis for prediction
probability: a mathematical basis for prediction. How often an event happens. How often can you flip a coin and get heads? One out of two chances, 1/2 , .50, or 50%.

143 product: the answer in a multiplication problem.
6 X 9 = 54

144 properties / attributes: a quality or trait belonging to a specific thing.
Four equal sides Four right angles (90º) Opposite sides parallel Sum of interior angles equals 360º.

145 proportion: 1. The relation of one part to another or to a whole.
2. A relation of equality of two ratios. 3 4 9 12 =

146 protractor: a tool shaped like half of a circle marked off in degrees used to draw measured angles.

147 pyramid: a solid figure or object with a flat base and three or more sloping sides that are triangles that come together in a point at the top.

148 quadrilateral: a polygon or object with four sides and four angles.

149 quart: a unit for measuring capacity in the U.S. customary system.
1 qt =2 pints or ¼ gallon.

150 quotient: the answer in a division problem.
503 15 7515

151 radius: a straight line from the center to a point on the outside of a circle or sphere.

152 range: the difference between the greatest and the least numbers of a given set or group.
98, 87, 85, 76, 65, 60 98 highest number - 60 lowest number 38 range

153 rate: an amount, pace or degree of something expressed in specific units. A jet flew at a rate of 200 miles per hour. rate = distance time

154 ratio: the relationship or comparison between the number or quantity of two different things.
If there are 9 apples and 3 oranges, the ratio of apples to oranges is 3 to 1. 9 : 3 3 : 1 or

155 ray: part of a line with only one endpoint and the other end going on indefinitely in one direction.

156 rectangle: a flat figure with four sides and four right angles but does not form a square.

157 reflection: a change in the location of a figure in which it is flipped over a line or point.

158 regular polygon: a figure or object in which all sides and all angles are equal.

159 remainder: 1. The amount left after a division problem is complete.
15 7517

160 remainder: 2. The amount left over after one number is subtracted from another.
4 is the remainder.

161 rhombus: a flat figure with all sides equal, but usually no 90 degree angles.

162 right angle: an angle that measures 90 degrees and is formed by two perpendicular lines.

163 right triangle: a triangle that has one 90 degree or right angle.

164 Roman numeral: letters in the Roman alphabet that are used as numbers.
V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000. MCCLXVI = 1266

165 rotations (turns): the act of turning about an axis or center.

166 30 can be a rounded number for 25 through 34.
round: changing a number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand and so on, to make it easier to use. 30 can be a rounded number for 25 through 34.

167 scale: 1. Series of regularly spaced marks along a line.
2 3 4 5 6 ruler

168 scale: 2. The size of a picture, plan or model in proportion to the actual size of the thing itself.
scaled size 1:28

169 scale: 3. A tool or device used to weigh something.

170 scalene triangle: a triangle with no two sides having the same length.

171 scientific notation: a numeral written in expanded form using exponents.
(6 x 10 ) + (5 x 10 ) + (8 x 10 ) + (2 x 10 ) 4 3 2 1

172 sequence: a set of things whose order is determined a pattern or rule.
The days of the week are in a sequence. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Numbers can be in a sequence. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

173 set: a group or collection of numbers or objects.
2, 4, 6, and 8 are a set of even numbers. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 are a set of prime numbers.

174 side: one of the lines or surfaces that form a figure or object, usually not the top or bottom.

175 simplify: to make simple or reduce to basic essentials.
8 16 1 2 = 10x = 10(x + 2)

176 solid: anything that has length, width, and height
solid: anything that has length, width, and height. A cube or sphere is a solid.

177 speed: is the rate of motion; distance over time.
100mph 40mph

178 sphere: a solid round figure or object with a surface the same distance from its center at all points. A ball, a globe, or the moon are examples of a sphere.

179 square: a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles.

180 square root: a number obtained by dividing a number into two equal factors.
The square root of 9 is 3. (3 x 3 = 9) The square root of 25 is 5. (5 x 5 = 9)

181 stem-and-leaf plots:a technique for ordering data in increasing or decreasing order.
25, 28, 32, 36, 39, 41, 45 Stem Leaf 2 3 4 5 8 1 5

182 straight angle: an angle that measures 180 degrees or a straight line.

183 subtrahend: a number that is subtracted from another number.
6, 8 9 0, 8 7 5 - 3, 2 3 6, 7 9 8 3, 6 5 4, 0 7 7

184 sum: the answer in an addition problem.
4,365 3,786 9,456 + 17,607 sum

185 surface area: the sum of the area of plane surfaces that make up a three dimensional figure.
6(l x w)= surface area

186 symmetry: a figure or object that has matching parts on both sides of its center line.

187 table: a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows or columns for easy reference.
Team Wins Losses Red Sox 60 20 Yankees 40 Tigers 30 50 Orioles A’s 10 70

188 tenth: one of 10 equal parts.
In the decimal 0.26, the 2 is in the tenths place.

189 tessellations: a careful positioning of elements into a coherent pattern.

190 thousandth: one of 1000 equal parts.
In the decimal 0.264, the 4 is in the thousandths’ place.

191 three dimensional: an object having length, width, and height.

192 ton: a unit for measuring weight or mass in the U.S. Customary System.
1 ton = 2,000 pounds.

193 transformation: a change made to the size or position of a figure.

194 translations (slides): a change in the location of a figure in which it is slid up or down, left or right without being turned.

195 trapezoid: a polygon with four sides. Two of the sides are parallel.

196 triangle: a polygon with three sides and three angles.

197 two dimensional: a flat surface with a length and width.

198 values: numerical quantities assigned or computed.
0 has no value. The value of is 610.

199 variable: a letter or symbol that holds a place for a number.
X = 65 Y = 65 X + Y = 75

200 vertex: the endpoint of two lines or the point where three or more edges of a solid figure meet.

201 volume: the amount of space inside something that has length, width, and height, measured in cubic units. 3 in. x 3 in. 3 in. 3 inches 27 cubic inches 3 inches 3 inches

202 whole number: a number that is not a fraction.
75 135 3,678 75 ½ 5 ½ 79.8

203 Yard (yd.): a unit of length in the U.S. Customary System.
1 yd. = 3 feet or 36 inches

204 Year (yr.): the time it takes the Earth to revolve around the sun one time, about 365 days.

205 Zero: 1. The number or symbol 0 that means having no quantity.
2. A point marked 0, from which something is measured.

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