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Capital Project Funds WASB Joint Convention January 21, 2015.

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1 Capital Project Funds WASB Joint Convention January 21, 2015

2 Capital Projects Funds - WUFAR FUND 4x Capital Project Funds account for financial resources used for capital facilities. ●Fund 41 is used for projects financed by a special tax levy. (72 Districts) ●Fund 46 is used for projects financed with funds transferred from the General Fund. (Seven Districts) ●Fund 49 is used for projects financed with borrowed funds.

3 ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND (Power of the Annual Meeting) RESOLUTION CREATING A CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND AND LEVYING A TAX IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BE IT RESOLVED by the electors of the __________ School District that a Capital Expansion Fund is hereby created pursuant to Section 120.10(10m) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of financing building and site capital expenditures related to [propose/use/specific projects] ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a tax in the amount of $X be levied for the 20xx-20xx school year to be deposited in the Capital Expansion Fund created above to be used only for the purposes specified above.

4 ●Tax levy must be approved at an ANNUAL MEETING (Common School District) for each year levied. ●Districts must levy directly into Fund 41, as reflected on the district’s Tax Levy Certification (PI-401) Report. ●Transfers into Fund 41 from any other fund, including Fund 10, are not permitted. CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND (41) REQUIREMENTS

5 CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND (41) REQUIREMENTS and RESTRICTIONS ●Tax levy and investment interest must be in a segregated fund. ●Must be used for buildings or sites. ●Must be for a specific project/purpose as approved with the levy per the Annual Meeting. ●Monies may be used for no other purposes unless a succeeding annual meeting or unified school district board of education votes to change the purpose.

6 CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND REPORTING The following must be reported to DPI: 1.Resolution to establish the fund and initial tax levy (including Annual Meeting Minutes). 2.Any resolutions that result in a change in the project/purpose. 3.The Fund 41 tax levy must be reported in Fund 41 of the current year's budget and annual reports, and the tax levy table at the end of the report.

7 Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (Fund 46) A school board may establish a “trust” to fund capital improvement projects per their ten year long-term capital improvement plan.

8 Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (46) REQUIREMENTS - Getting Started — 1.Board approved 10 year capital improvement plan. 2.Board resolution to establish a trust. 3.Creation of a segregated bank account.

9 Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (46) REQUIREMENTS and RESTRICTIONS ● — Funds may only be accessed five years after the establishment of the “trust” fund. ●—Funds must be physically deposited and held in a segregated bank/investment (separate and distinct from other district accounts) until they are expended for capital improvement projects per the district’s plan. ●—Funds invested as per sec. 66.0603, Wis. Stats.

10 Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund (46) REQUIREMENTS and REPORTING The following must be reported to DPI: 1.Official Board minutes approving the long-term capital improvement plan. 2.Signed resolution creating the Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund or official minutes documenting the creation of the fund. 3.Documentation that confirms the existence of a segregated bank/investment account.


12 Carey Bradley, DPI SFS Consultant, 608-267-3752

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