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Today – Monday, October 22, 2012  White Board Review  Independent practice/ Check homework  QUIZ 3.1-3.3: Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Today – Monday, October 22, 2012  White Board Review  Independent practice/ Check homework  QUIZ 3.1-3.3: Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today – Monday, October 22, 2012  White Board Review  Independent practice/ Check homework  QUIZ 3.1-3.3: Friday

2 REVIEW: Parallel, Perpendicular, and Lines

3 REMEMBER… PARALLEL LINES: Lines that never intersect and are coplanar. PERPENDICULAR LINES: Lines that intersect at a right angle. SKEWED LINES: Lines that are non-coplanar and do not intersect.

4 Using the figure below, identify the following:

5 REVIEW: Naming Angles

6 Using the diagram below, define all the following terms: If it is difficult to name each angle by its vertex, then rewrite each angle as numbers.

7 REVIEW: Identifying Angles

8 Using the diagram below, identify all of the following angles: Corresponding Angles:Alternate Interior Angles: Alternate Exterior Angles:Supplementary Angles: Consecutive Interior Angles:Vertical Angles: Adjacent Angles:Linear Pair:

9 Using the diagram below, define all the following terms: Corresponding Angles:Alternate Interior Angles: Alternate Exterior Angles:Supplementary Angles: Consecutive Interior Angles: Vertical Angles: Adjacent Angles: Linear Pair: *same as supplementary angles

10 Vertical AnglesCorresponding Angles Adjacent AnglesAlternate Interior Angles Linear AnglesAlternate Exterior Angles Consecutive Interior Angles Supplementary Angles You can rename each angle to make it easier to label.

11 REVIEW: Using Parallel Lines and Transversal

12 THEOREMS: Corresponding AnglesAlternate Interior Angles Alternate Exterior AnglesVertical Angles Consecutive Interior AnglesVertical Angles (Postulate)



15 Find the values of x and y, state what theorems or properties you used:

16 Find the values of x and y:Find the values of x and y, state what theorems or properties you used:

17 Find the values of x and y:Find the values of x and y, state what theorems or properties you used:

18 REVIEW: Proving Lines are Parallel

19 CONVERSE THEOREMS: Corresponding AnglesAlternate Interior Angles Alternate Exterior AnglesVertical Angles Consecutive Interior AnglesVertical Angles (Postulate)



22 Homework #3: Pg. 900: 1-23

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