IEEE Section Chapter Support Worldwide, IEEE membership is divided into geographic units called Sections. Worldwide, IEEE membership is divided into geographic.

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2 IEEE Section Chapter Support Worldwide, IEEE membership is divided into geographic units called Sections. Worldwide, IEEE membership is divided into geographic units called Sections. Together with their subunits of Councils, Subsections, Chapters and Affinity Groups, they conduct over 10,000 meetings annually. Together with their subunits of Councils, Subsections, Chapters and Affinity Groups, they conduct over 10,000 meetings annually. This activity supports the IEEE vision to advance global prosperity. This activity supports the IEEE vision to advance global prosperity. And thereby making AFFINITY GROUPS an “Autonomous Technical Unit”. And thereby making AFFINITY GROUPS an “Autonomous Technical Unit”.

3 BENEFITS OF WIE RECOGNIZES student’s outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations. RECOGNIZES student’s outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations. ORGANIZES receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE. ORGANIZES receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE.


5 PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activities. PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activities. PROMOTES IEEE Member Grade advancement for student to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow. PROMOTES IEEE Member Grade advancement for student to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow. FACILITATES the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of students in engineering programs. FACILITATES the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of students in engineering programs. ADMINISTERS the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program. ADMINISTERS the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program.

6 IEEE WIE Scopes of Interest Scope 1: Facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of students in engineering programs. Scope 1: Facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of students in engineering programs. Scope 2: Promote IEEE membership and retention of IEEE women members. Scope 2: Promote IEEE membership and retention of IEEE women members. Scope 3: Enhance the career advancement of students in the profession. Scope 3: Enhance the career advancement of students in the profession.

7 Women In Engineering @ Delhi : Marching to new heights!


9 IEEE WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award The WIE Affinity Group of the Year Awards are given annually to one WIE Affinity Group and one WIE Student Affinity Group that has shown outstanding leadership and initiative in organizing activities. The WIE Affinity Group of the Year Awards are given annually to one WIE Affinity Group and one WIE Student Affinity Group that has shown outstanding leadership and initiative in organizing activities. The award is based on programs that took place during the period of 1 January to 31 December of the preceding year. The award is based on programs that took place during the period of 1 January to 31 December of the preceding year.

10 THE YOUNG WOMAN ENGINEER OF THE YEAR AWARD How will the winner benefit? How will the winner benefit? The winner will receive a cheque for £1,000 donated by BT, an engraved trophy and an award certificate. These will be presented at a national prize-giving ceremony in London. The winner will receive a cheque for £1,000 donated by BT, an engraved trophy and an award certificate. These will be presented at a national prize-giving ceremony in London. The winner will be invited to participate in high profile events throughout the year, attended by influential people offering excellent networking opportunities and raising her profile within the engineering industry. The winner will be invited to participate in high profile events throughout the year, attended by influential people offering excellent networking opportunities and raising her profile within the engineering industry. The Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award is valued by the engineering industry and will highlight the winner’s achievements to future employers and enhance future employment prospects. The Young Woman Engineer of the Year Award is valued by the engineering industry and will highlight the winner’s achievements to future employers and enhance future employment prospects.

11 Benefits of Forming IEEE WIE Affinity Group Opportunity to network on a local level. Opportunity to network on a local level. Free website hosting. Free website hosting. Apply for “funding” for events & activities. Apply for “funding” for events & activities. Eligible to receive additional funding of Eligible to receive additional funding of US $200 through Regional Activities if Affinity Group meets minimum requirements. US $200 through Regional Activities if Affinity Group meets minimum requirements.

12 We Promise to Bring Things Always New!!!!


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