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Chemistry Vocabulary: Part 2

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1 Chemistry Vocabulary: Part 2

2 Physical Properties Can be observed or measured without changing the matter’s identity Adjective – descriptive word Examples Color Smell Size/Shape Texture/Taste Temperature Density State (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

3 Chemical Properties Substance ability to participate in chemical reactions Hard to observe In order to see these you must change the substance into a new substance Examples Flammability Reactivity

4 Characteristic Properties
Chemical or physical property that is always the same no matter what size the sample is Can be physical or chemical Most useful type of property Examples Density Flammability Reactivity Boiling Point, Melting Point, Freezing Point Color Smell

5 Physical Changes A change of matter from one form to another without a change in chemical properties Usually reversible, no change to matter composition End with the same thing you started with Examples: Ripping Crushing Cutting Heating Cooling Coloring All changes of state

6 Chemical Changes A change that occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties Never reversible End with something different than you started with Examples: Soured Milk Burning Digesting Cooking/Baking Rotting/Spoiling Tarnishing

7 Signs of a Chemical Change
Change in color Change in temperature Fizzing/Foaming Sound or light being given off New smell New taste Precipitate – when two liquids are mixed together and form a solid

8 Endothermic Energy is absorbed by a substance or substances

9 Exothermic Energy is released from a substance or substances

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