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New York Army National Guard Day 2 Organizational Self-Assessment Workshop Mr. Edwin Perez ARNG G5 Business Transformation Office 6-8 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "New York Army National Guard Day 2 Organizational Self-Assessment Workshop Mr. Edwin Perez ARNG G5 Business Transformation Office 6-8 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York Army National Guard Day 2 Organizational Self-Assessment Workshop Mr. Edwin Perez ARNG G5 Business Transformation Office 6-8 April 2015

2 New York Army National Guard

3 Strategy 2.1 – Strategy Development – 2.1a Strategy Development Process – 2.1b Strategic Objectives 2.2 – Strategy Implementation – 2.2a Action Plan Development and Deployment – 2.2b Action Plan Modification

4 New York Army National Guard 2.2 Strategy Implementation Developing action plans Deploying action plans Analysis to support resource allocation Workforce plans Projecting future environment

5 New York Army National Guard 5 Table 1 2.1a Strategy Development Process Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 2 2.1a(4) Work Systems and Core Competencies Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 3 2.1b(1) Key Strategic Objectives Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 4 2.2a(1)(2)Strategy Implementation Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score

6 New York Army National Guard

7 7.4b Leadership and Governance Results: Strategy Implementation Results for strategy implementation

8 New York Army National Guard Questions?

9 New York Army National Guard

10 Customer Focus 3.1 – Voice of the Customer – 3.1a Customer Listening – 3.1b Customer Satisfaction and Engagement 3.2 – Customer Engagement – 3.2a Product Offerings and Customer Support – 3.2b Building Customer Relationships

11 New York Army National Guard 3.1 Voice of the Customer Customer listening Actionable information Listening / Learning and business strategy Social media Customer and market knowledge Customers’ satisfaction with competitors

12 New York Army National Guard 3.2 Customer Engagement Engagement as a strategic action Customer relationship strategies Complaint management

13 New York Army National Guard Practical Exercise – Category 3 13 Table 1 3.1a(1) Customer Listening Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 2 3.1b(1) Satisfaction & Engagement Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 3 3.2a(1) Product Offerings Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 4 3.2a(2) Customer Support Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score

14 New York Army National Guard

15 7.2 Customer Focused Results Performance as viewed by customers Results beyond satisfaction Segmentation

16 New York Army National Guard Questions?

17 New York Army National Guard

18 4.1 – Measurement, Analysis & Improvement – 4.1a Performance Measurement – 4.1b Performance Analysis and Review – 4.1c Performance Improvement 4.2 – Knowledge Management & IT – 4.2a Organizational Knowledge – 4.2b Data, Information, and IT

19 New York Army National Guard 4.1 Measurement, Analysis, & Improvement Aligning and integrating your performance management system Selecting and using comparative data Reviewing performance Analyzing performance Aligning analysis, performance review, and planning Understanding causality

20 New York Army National Guard 4.2 –Knowledge Management, Information, & IT Knowledge management Organizational learning Information management Data and information availability Emergency availability

21 New York Army National Guard 21 Table 1 4.1a Performance Measurement Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 2 4.1c(3) Continuous Improvement Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 3 4.2a(1) Knowledge Management Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score Table 4 4.2b(4) Hardware and Software Properties Skinny Narrative Deployment Integration Evaluation & learning When and Why Develop process Determine Score

22 New York Army National Guard

23 7.4 Financial and Market Results Results tracked by senior leaders Results appropriate for organizational viability

24 New York Army National Guard Questions?

25 New York Army National Guard

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