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Anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages. Judaism Torah- Old Testament Judaea conquered by the Romans, the Jews are scattered They divide into two main groups:

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages. Judaism Torah- Old Testament Judaea conquered by the Romans, the Jews are scattered They divide into two main groups:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages

2 Judaism Torah- Old Testament Judaea conquered by the Romans, the Jews are scattered They divide into two main groups: Sephardic-Those who go south and east- The Middle East and North Africa Ashkenazic- Those who go north and west- Europe

3 Reasoning  Christians pinpoint Jewish role in Jesus’ death  They begin to blame the entire Jewish race  The Church focuses on the difference between Christianity and Judaism  As stereotypes develop, these stereotypes are given as the reasoning behind Jewish persecution.

4 Stereotypes  Jews have big noses This is just how they were presented in passion plays to make them recognizable  This stereotype is similar to saying all witches have noses  Jews are greedy Jews were often money lenders because Christians could not lend money and the Jews were not allowed to be a part of the feudal system They were forced to be money lenders and bankers, and nobody likes the person they owe money to

5 Imagined Crimes Blood Libel

6 Other Crimes  Jews were thought to be witches  Trying to convert Christians  Host desecration

7 The Black Plague  Jews were even blamed for The Plague

8 The Crusades  Jews in Europe and the Holy Land were attacked during the Crusades Peter the Hermit- First Crusade Attacks in France- Second Crusade

9 The Effects  Forced to wear special clothing Yellow Star of David Judenhut- pointed hats  Forced to live in certain areas Ghettos  Passion plays rallied people against the Jews  Spanish Inquisition  Expelled from England, France, Germany, Portugal, and Spain

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