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1 A Common Application Platform (CAP) for SURAgrid -Mahantesh Halappanavar, John-Paul Robinson, Enis Afgane, Mary Fran Yafchalk and Purushotham Bangalore.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Common Application Platform (CAP) for SURAgrid -Mahantesh Halappanavar, John-Paul Robinson, Enis Afgane, Mary Fran Yafchalk and Purushotham Bangalore."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Common Application Platform (CAP) for SURAgrid -Mahantesh Halappanavar, John-Paul Robinson, Enis Afgane, Mary Fran Yafchalk and Purushotham Bangalore. SURAgrid All-hands Meeting, 27 September, 2007, Washington D.C.

2 2 Introduction Problem Statement: “How to quickly grid-enable scientific applications to exploit SURAgrid resources ?” Goals for Grid-enabling Applications:  Dynamic resource discovery  Collective resource utilization  Simple Job Management and Accounting  Minimal Programming Efforts

3 3 Identifying Patterns Algorithm Structures Support Structures Relationships

4 4 Basic Process ProblemsProgramsAlgorithmsImplementation Algorithm Structures Supporting Structures Programming Environments

5 5 Algorithm Structures 1. Organize by Tasks Task Parallelism Divide and Conquer 2. Organize by Data Decomposition Geometric Decomposition Recursive Data 3. Organize By Flow of Data Pipeline Event-Based Coordination How to organize? (Linear and Recursive)

6 6 Support Structures Program Structures 1. SPMD 2. Master/Worker 3. Loop Parallelism 4. Fork/Join Data Structures 1. Shared Data 2. Shared Queue 3. Distributed Array ProblemsProgramsAlgorithmsImplementation

7 7 Relationships: AS and SS AS SS Task Parallelism Divide & Conquer Geometric Decomposition Recursive Data PipelineEvent-based Coordination SPMD ****************** Loop Parallelism ********* Master/Work er ********** Fork/Join ************ Relationship between Supporting Structures (SS) patterns and Algorithm Structure (AS) patterns.

8 8 Relationships: SS and PE SS PEOpenMPMPIJava SPMD ********* Loop Parallelism ******** Master-Worker ***** Fork-Join ******* Relationship between Supporting Structures (SS) patterns and Programming Environments (PE).

9 9 Important Observation “This (SPMD) pattern is by far the most commonly used pattern for structuring parallel programs. It is particularly relevant for MPI programmers and problems using the Task Parallelism and Geometric Decomposition patterns. It has also proved effective for problems using the Divide and Conquer, and Recursive Data patterns.” Single Program, Multiple Data (SPMD). This is the most common way to organize a prallel program, especially on MIMD computers. The idea is that a single program is written and loaded onto each node of a parallel computer. Each copy of the single program runs independently (aside from coordination events), so the instruction streams executed on each node can be completely different. The specific path through the code is in part selected by the node ID.

10 10 The Computing Continuum OpenMP MPIJava

11 11 Scientific Applications What are they? How are they built?

12 12 Scientific Applications Life Sciences:  Biology, Chemistry, … Engineering:  Aerospace, Civil, Mechanical, Environmental Physics:  QCD, Black Holes, … …. The SCaLeS Reports:

13 13 Building Blocks OpenMP; MPI; BLACS, … Metis/ParMetis, Zoltan, Chaco, … BLAS and LAPACK, … ScaLapack, MUMPS, SuperLU, … PETSc, Aztec, … “ A core requirement of many engineering and scientific applications is the need to solve linear and non-linear systems of equations, eigensystems and other related problems. ” – The Trilinos Project

14 14 ScaLAPACK BLAS LAPACK BLACS MPI/PVM/... PBLAS Global Local platform specific Level 1/2/3 Linear systems, least squares, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues. Communication routines targeting linear algebra operations. Parallel BLAS. Communication layer (message passing).

15 15 PETSc Computation and Communication Kernels MPI, MPI-IO, BLAS, LAPACK Profiling Interface PETSc PDE Application Codes Object-Oriented Matrices, Vectors, Indices Grid Management Linear Solvers Preconditioners + Krylov Methods Nonlinear Solvers, Unconstrained Minimization ODE Integrators Visualization Interface Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation

16 16 Observation “Explicit message passing will remain the dominant programming model for the foreseeable future because of the huge investment in application codes.” - Jim Tomkis, Bob Balance, and Sue Kelly, ASC PI Meeing, Nevada, Feb 2007

17 17 Common Application Platform Basic Architecture Building Blocks Conclusions

18 18 Basic Architecture SiteA MetaScheduler (MS) Site1 Site2 Site3 SURAgrid Portal Command-Line (GSISSH, etc.) Browser A B

19 19 Building Blocks MPICH-G2

20 20 Conclusions Powershift !  Onus is now on System Administrators Load Balancing  Minimize communication costs  Limits: ScaLAPACK (Latency<500 ms)  Dynamic Redistribution of Work Heterogeneous Environment  Issues with floating-point operations

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