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Andrew The Miracle of 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread.

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2 Andrew

3 The Miracle of 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread.

4 One day Jesus took his apostles into the desert to teach them. However, many people heard and followed them. They wanted to learn from Jesus and they hoped for miracles; Jesus welcomed all of them. He told them about God and helped the sick people. Many people believed him on that day.

5 At sunset, his apostles asked Jesus, “Lord, shouldn’t we send the people away, so they can find food and a place to sleep?” Jesus looked at them and said, “Give them food and let them eat.”

6 ‘But Lord, we don't have anything to give. There is only a boy who has only five loaves and two fishes, should we go into the town and buy more food? Because there are five thousand men here, not including the women and children,” Andrew answered.

7 “No, just go and make them sit down in groups.” Jesus said. So the apostles did what Jesus said. They did not know what Jesus was going to do.

8 When everyone sat down in groups, Jesus looked at the sky. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fishes praying. He blessed the food and asked God to do a miracle.

9 Jesus began to break the food into pieces and he gave it to his apostles to give it to the people. They ate the food. When all the people were full, the apostles collected the food and there were twelve baskets of food left! Jesus fed more than 5,000 people that day!!!


11 The End

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