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Birds of a Feather-Work Study. Agenda Welcome Introductions Topics for Discussion and Sharing Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds of a Feather-Work Study. Agenda Welcome Introductions Topics for Discussion and Sharing Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds of a Feather-Work Study

2 Agenda Welcome Introductions Topics for Discussion and Sharing Questions

3 Topics for Discussion Who does work study on your campus? Who handles job placement/posting? What works well for you? What doesn’t work well? What wages do you pay? Do you have a lot of student employee turnover? How do you repost and fill positions?

4 Topics, cont. How do you train your student employees? How do you train supervisors? What resources do you know of that you think are really good? Does your institution offer non-work study jobs for students? Are those jobs handled the same way? Do you cap hours for students?

5 Do you have a Job, Location & Development on your campus and how do you manage your JLD Program? How do you spread awareness or educate your students about FWS policies? What about supervisors?

6 Do you release FWS information directly to supervisors? Is this included in FERPA’s “need to know” information for a student’s education record? Do you offer professional development/leadership to student employees throughout the year? Do you have funding to provide these?

7 Topics, cont. Is the ACA affecting student employment on your campus? Do you have positions where students receive a stipend rather than an hourly wage? How do you handle those positions? Paper timecards or online timecards? Any struggles?

8 Topics, cont. Do you have Graduate Assistants? Are they paid on your student payroll? Can students hold more than one job on campus? What do your awards look like? Is there a maximum amount a student can earn? Who is responsible for the hiring process (payroll paperwork, etc.)?

9 Topics, cont. How are students placed in jobs? – (i.e. do eligible students find their own jobs? Does one person place students in jobs on campus?) Other topics?

10 Questions? Thank you for joining us!

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