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Color Harmonization - ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Speaker :李沃若.

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Presentation on theme: "Color Harmonization - ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Speaker :李沃若."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Harmonization - ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Speaker :李沃若

2 Authors Daniel Cohen-Or  Tel-Aviv University  Volume graphics  Visualization of large environments  Shape modeling  Image and surface manipulation

3 Authors Olga Sorkine  Tel-Aviv University  Student of Daniel Cohen-Or  Computer Graphics Ran Gal

4 Authors Ran Gal  Tel-Aviv University  Student of Daniel Cohen-Or  Computer Graphics and Vision  Work for Microsoft Corporation on the new XBOX 360

5 Authors Ying-Qing Xu  Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research Asia  Learning based digital facial cartoon generation  Computer animation

6 Relative Paper Understanding Color. [Holtzschue 2002] Color design support system considering color harmony. [Tokumaru et al. 2002] Color Index: Over 1,100 Color Combinations, CMYK and RGB Formulas, for Print and Web Media. [Krause 2002]

7 Introduction Harmonic colors are sets of colors that are aesthetically pleasing in terms of human visual perception. Finds the best harmonic scheme for the image colors.

8 Color Wheel Describe the color distribution Use HSV color space  H:0~360(hue)  S:0~1 (saturation)  V:0~1 (value)

9 Harmonic templates Sum up from experience

10 Some natural images

11 Different representation

12 Harmonic Schemes 1.Fit a harmonic template T to the hue histogram of the image. 2.Determine color shift direction. 3.Shift of color.

13 Fit a template Fine αand a template that minimize the function: The least distant of hue between point and template Template Orientation Saturation of p

14 Color shift C(p) : the central hue of the sector associated with pixel p w : the arc-width of the template sector :normalized Gaussian function

15 Problem “splitting” of a contiguous region of the image

16 Add Region Segmentation Fine the optimal label assignment minimizes the energy: Hue distant to assign edge color coherence between neighboring pixels assigned to the same label. Pixel’s label

17 Min-cut / max-flow Function can be turned into min-cut/max-flow problem. Energies turn into the cost of road. Details see [Boykov and Jolly 2001].

18 Better result

19 Other results



22 References BOYKOV, Y., AND JOLLY, M.-P. 2001. Interactive graph cuts for optimal boundary and region segmentation of objects in N-D images. In Proceedings of ICCV, 105–112. COLOR WHEEL EXPERT, 2000. MOROVIC, J., AND LUO, M. R. 2001. The fundamentals of gamut mapping: A survey. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 45, 3, 283–290. PRESS, W. H., TEUKOLSKY, S. A., VETTERLING, W. T., AND FLANNERY, B. P. 1992. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.

23 End

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