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By Karen Paris Mid-Term Project EDTC 631 Linking the Brain, Mind, Teaching and Learning.

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2 By Karen Paris Mid-Term Project EDTC 631 Linking the Brain, Mind, Teaching and Learning

3  Tell time using both analog and digital clocks.  Tell time using a “24-hour clock” and distinguish between A.M. and P.M.  Tell time using specific words, phrases, and sentences.  Ask and respond orally and in writing to the question “What time is it”?  Tell time using both analog and digital clocks.  Tell time using a “24-hour clock” and distinguish between A.M. and P.M.  Tell time using specific words, phrases, and sentences.  Ask and respond orally and in writing to the question “What time is it”?



6 Prime-Time 1 New learning takes place and is most likely to be remembered. Down Time Time when it is most difficult for retention to occur, practice helps the learner further process the information. Prime-Time 2 Closure – the second most important learning position and helps the learner determine sense and meaning.

7  Oral response  Written response  Teacher observation  Oral response  Written response  Teacher observation



10 Smartboard



13 Sousa, David. How the Brain Learns. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2006. 15-90. Print. Bernice, Nick. "Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.". Ramapo College. Web. 14 Oct 2013.. MSET,. "Gregorc Overview." The Gregorc Model. MSET, n.d. Web. 14 Oct 2013.. Buckner, R.L.,.M, Kelley, and S.E. Petersen. "Frontal cortex contributions to human memory formation." Trans. Array Nature Neuroscience 2. 1999. 311-314. Print. N.d. Graphic. clock?page=1Web. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. 17 Oct 2013.

14 Cooper, Belle. Why We’re More Creative When We’re Tired and 9 Other Surprising Facts About How Our Brains Work. 2013. Graphic. google imagesWeb. 14 Oct 2013.. N.d. Photograph. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. background.htmlWeb. 17 Oct 2013. 17 Oct 2013., sound. 17 Oct 2013. Paris, Karen, dir. 2013. Film. 17 Oct 2013. Audio Flashards Time., 2011. DVD. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. tOnyX3uRI/AAAAAAAAALE/7DaHhCxo2U0/s1600/Intelligences multiples.jpgWeb. 17 Oct 2013. N.d. Photograph. 17 Oct 2013.


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