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Monitoring Accommodations in Florida Karen Denbroeder Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Accommodations in Florida Karen Denbroeder Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Accommodations in Florida Karen Denbroeder Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services

2 Florida Statewide Assessment System Established in Florida statute Participation in statewide assessments is mandatory for all students in public schools If a student does not participate, parents must be notified of the implications of nonparticipation

3 Florida Statewide Assessment System Written parental consent is required for a student to receive classroom instructional accommodations that would not be available or allowable on statewide assessments. Parent must acknowledge in writing that he/she understands the implications of such instructional accommodations.

4 Florida Statewide Assessment System LEAs provide assurances in Policies and Procedures for the Provision of Specially Designed Instruction and Related Services for Exceptional Students

5 Training District assessment coordinators –FCAT Administration Manual –Annual assessment coordinators meeting School assessment coordinators –LEAs provide school level training –School assessment coordinators train test administrators and proctors

6 Training IEP teams –IEP team guide to FCAT –Accommodations – Assisting Students with Disabilities – Educator’s Guide –Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities – What Parents Need to Know –District Guide for Meeting the Needs of Students (504)

7 Reporting IEP team accommodation decisions recorded on IEP During testing window, accommodations provided are bubbled on answer document

8 Monitoring School test coordinator is responsible for insuring accommodations are provided –Included in training required for test administrators and proctors

9 Monitoring Special Education Office Monitoring Unit LEAs selected through focused monitoring On-site reviews: –Reviews IEP and reported accommodations alignment –Interviews teachers about decision-making process –Offers focus groups with parents

10 Monitoring District self assessment 2007-08 –Selects sample of records –Reviews records for alignment of provision of accommodations and IEP –Reviews records for decision-making for accommodations

11 Next steps Develop and pilot a classroom walk through tool for school and district personnel –Accommodations on IEP? –Accommodations provided in each content area? –Accommodations marked on answer document?

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