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Errors in Exercise One CRTW 201 Dr. Fike. Contractions Do not use them.

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Presentation on theme: "Errors in Exercise One CRTW 201 Dr. Fike. Contractions Do not use them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Errors in Exercise One CRTW 201 Dr. Fike

2 Contractions Do not use them.

3 Comma Splice "The audience is not thinking much of the details and if they are actually plausible or not, they are just reading the story."

4 Sentence Fragment "Even though they also say the drugs are still affecting him."

5 Run-on Sentence "There are no true ways to begin from the start of an idea or concept therefore assumptions are formed."

6 Dangling Modifier "When first reading this article many assumptions can be made that would make the reader believe the article was factual." "Being a college student the kidney may have not been fully developed at that age."

7 Overuse of the Word “This” "The placement of this sentence shows that the author is trying to convince the audience that this crime is spreading and [that] it is spreading really fast. This assumption does a really good job in helping to persuade the audience that this crime is really happening...."

8 Pronoun Agreement "It is not uncommon for a complete stranger to introduce themselves in a bar. Just because a stranger confronts someone does not mean they are out to steal a kidney."

9 Split Infinitive "You have to automatically assume that the article was really placed in The Daily Texan...."

10 Use of "lay" instead of "lie" "Also, the victim would probably get hypothermia from laying in the tub for the hours it would take to wake from the anesthesia."

11 Choppy Style "He also assumed that the college student was in his right mind...even though he was still feeling the effects of the drugs. Even if the student was still feeling the effects of the drugs, it is unbelievable that he was in his right mind...."

12 “That” To Refer to People "...a random girl that he met at the bar."

13 “Of” Instead of “Have” "She could of felt bad for the man for some reason...."

14 Subjunctive What is the subjunctive mood? It expresses "a doubt, a wish, a recommendation, or something contrary to fact" (Prentice Hall 111).

15 Examples of the Subjunctive Your sentence: "If the black market was located then the criminals would also be located[,] and the crime ring would be brought to a halt.” Handbook's example from page 112: "If I were (not was) he, I'd sell the car immediately."

16 How To Know If You Need the Subjunctive Things that signal the need for the subjunctive: If Wish It is important that Requires

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