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POLITICAL PARTIES Terms and Conditions. What is a party?  A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the.

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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL PARTIES Terms and Conditions. What is a party?  A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLITICAL PARTIES Terms and Conditions

2 What is a party?  A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office.

3 Major Parties v. Minor Parties Major: Republican and Democratic Minor: a party that is not widely supported  Various in number and classification  Usually short-lived  May include parties that have broken off of one of the major parties (Splinter parties)  Single-issue parties, such as Green party or the Marijuana party

4 Political Party Development Federalists Republicans Democratic-Republicans Democrats

5 The Three Components of the Party 1. The party organization 2. The party in the electorate 3. The party in government

6 1. The party organization  Party leaders  Activists  People who donate money, time, and skills

7 2. The party in the electorate  All those who loyally and regularly vote straight-ticket  Those who consider themselves party members and usually vote for that party

8 The party in the government  Officeholders in all levels of government who were elected in a particular party

9 Political Party Spectrum We use a ruler to measure distances We use the political spectrum to measure political groups RadicalLiberalModerateConservativeReactionary

10 Definitions of Political Spectrum  Radical  These people want a COMPLETE CHANGE IN SOCIETY  Violence to achieve goals is justified  Liberal  These people like change for the sake of change  Usually they will work within the system

11 Definitions of Political Spectrum  Moderate  Most Americans fit here  Are not against change but do not want drastic changes  Conservative  These people like the status quo (don’t rock the boat)  See our greatness in the past  Reactionary  These people don’t like today’s society  Want to go back to the “good old” days

12 Generalizations of Democrats  Minorities  Jewish  Catholics  Intellectuals  Labor (workers)  City Dwellers  Southerners  Generally moderate to liberal in view

13 Generalizations of Republicans  White-Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)  Businessmen  Professionals  Suburbs  Rural  Generally conservative to moderate in view

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