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Unit 13 - Nuclear Chemistry. Background 1896—Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity; was studying the ability of uranium salts exposed to sunlight to.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13 - Nuclear Chemistry. Background 1896—Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity; was studying the ability of uranium salts exposed to sunlight to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13 - Nuclear Chemistry

2 Background 1896—Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity; was studying the ability of uranium salts exposed to sunlight to fog film plates—discovered during a storm that even those not exposed to the sun caused the film to fog

3 The Curies Marie and Pierre Curie—showed that this fogging was caused by rays emitted by the Uranium atoms—called it radioactivity Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry 1934—Marie died from leukemia caused by long term exposure to radiation

4 Radioactivity—spontaneous emission of energy and particles by atoms of certain elements that produces new elements Radiation—penetrating rays and particles to attain more stable atomic configuration Radioisotope—radioactive atom—unstable isotope; gains stability by undergoing change which releases large amounts of energy—nuclear reaction

5 Radioisotope undergoes drastic change as it emits radiation Nuclei become unstable Loses energy by emitting radiation during radioactive decay Eventually, unstable radioisotopes of 1 element are transformed into stable isotopes of a different element This process is spontaneous

6 Nuclear vs. Chemical Rxn Not affected by Change in temperature Change in pressure Presence of catalysts Cannot be Sped up Slowed down Turned off

7 Three most common types 1899-Ernest Rutherford discovered that uranium compounds produce three different kinds of radiation Alpha, α Beta, β Gamma, γ

8 Alpha, α Nucleus emits an alpha particle essentially a He nucleus—two protons and two neutrons—charge is 2 +

9 Because of mass and charge, they do not travel far and are not very penetrating Paper can stop alpha particles

10 Beta, β Fast moving electron emitted from the decomposition of a neutron in an unstable nucleus Neutron decomposes into a proton and an electron

11 Beta particles are light weight and fast moving Greater penetrating power Blocked by metal foil

12 Gamma, γ High energy electromagnetic radiation No mass No electrical charge

13 Emission of gamma rays does not change the atomic number or mass number of a nucleus Lead or concrete will not completely block it

14 Half life Rate of decay—half life—time required for half of the nuclei of a radioisotope sample to decay to products after 1 half life, ½ of the atoms remain; ½ decayed after 2 half lives, ¾ of the atoms have decayed Half life can be extremely short or long Uranium 238 has a half life of 4.5 billion years Used in artifact aging Carbon 14 dating

15 Fission Splitting of the nucleus into smaller fragments—caused by neutron bombardment in a continuous chain reaction Releases LARGE amounts of energy

16 Uncontrolled chain reactions—atomic bomb

17 Controlled fission Nuclear power plants—use fission to produce useful energy, released as heat. Coolant, usually liquid Na or water, removes the heat and uses it to generate steam, which drives turbine and produces electricity Nuclear waste—spent fuel rods—have extremely long half lives so storage is key issue


19 Fusion Nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass Solar fusion—Hydrogen nuclei fuse to make He Fusion rxns tend to release large amounts of energy but occur only at extremely high temperatures, 40M °C


21 Use of controlled fusion as an energy source on Earth is very appealing Inexpensive Products are not radioactive Problem lies in achieving the high temps needed to start the rxn At the temps required, matter exists as plasma, therefore difficult to contain

22 Radiation Ionizing radiation—radiation with enough energy to knock electrons off some atoms of the bombarded substance to produce ions Cannot be detected by senses, must use other device Geiger counter Scintillation counter Film badge

23 Uses of radiation Tracers—study reactions, test effects of pesticides, etc, diagnose disease Cancer treatment—selective destruction of cancer cells Pharmaceuticals NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)/ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

24 Effects of Radiation Exposure to alpha rays is not generally dangerous Beta rays—can cause severe burns upon prolonged exposure Gamma rays that penetrate skin can cause serious damage to cells and tissues Excessive exposure can lead to severe illness, and a greatly increased probability of developing cancer, sterility or even death

25 Radiation Burns

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