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Presentation on theme: "MÉXICO M. Sc. JOSÉ LUIS FIGUEROA"— Presentation transcript:


2 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

3 Background Basins

4 Background Production

5 Background Reserves (January 2009)
Crude Oil (Billion barrels) 3P Total (billion boe) 43.6 Natural Gas (Trillion cf) 22.6 10.4 10.4 10.1 20.1 17.7 12.7 30.9

6 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

7 Main purpose of NDR NDR (@ditep) main purpose
E&P process optimization through the integration and delivery of technical data Government legal processes and reporting optimization through the association of technical data to financial information @ditep group main purpose Integrate, maintain and move technical data along the E&P process

8 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

9 Types of Data Surface Subsurface GIS
Coastline, blocks, safety zones etc Field outlines Pipelines Surface Facilities Cultural Infrastructure Environment Licences and permits Surface Cultural data Well information Rocks & Fluids Geology 2D and 3D Seismic Logs Drilling Production Reservoirs Facilities Documents Subsurface

10 Pipelines and surface facilities

11 Land Rights

12 Integrated information
Protected Areas 2D & 3D seismic coverage Surface facilities Fields

13 Environmental Reports

14 Subsurface

15 Subsurface

16 Subsurface

17 Drilling

18 Cantarell Oilfield Operations Cantarell Field

19 Cantarell Oilfield Operations

20 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

21 Reach Head quarters Assets México Villahermosa CNH SENER Reynosa AREN
ATG Poza Rica-Altamira CNH SENER Veracruz México Villahermosa Holoc-Temoa 5 Presidentes AREM Macuspana KMZ Muspac APCH Litoral Cantarell Bellota-Jujo Head quarters Samaria ARES Assets

22 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

23 Problems The non-stop proliferation of Excel´s, Power Point Presentations, Private Data Sets, etc. as ways to gather and keep data. Who owns the data? Frequently there is not a clear responsibility of who must certificate or validate the information The high level executives lack of real understanding of the challenge. DM/IM as a Business Strategy, not an IT project The proliferation of technical software (changing portfolio of applications) Lack of standard transactions systems Data cleaning, data validation, data certification, data baggage, good data, not so good data and so on, especially on subsurface information. Data is never a 100%. Find a level of acceptance Standards? Unique Identifier? Common formats? Cost Metrics Hard to get confidence of final users Achieving completeness of the Assets data collection

24 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

25 Successes A good number of data sets Centralized (Opportunity to improve quality and control) The successful termination of projects related to data collection in the field; projects ready to be implemented nationwide (Ej Production data, rock samples analysis, pipelines maintenance) The recognition by high authorities of the value of the information contained The day to day increase in the number of users, currently 50% of the total E&P population (about 2000 users) Recognition by regulatory authorities as a means to report and control Oil and Gas information

26 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

27 Lessons learned Constant report about Integration of data to promote teamwork collaboration and sustain commitment Top management support is Key Strategy must be long term and uninterrupted A sense of ownership must be endorsed among users Improve friendly Data Access and Delivery Subsurface data is never 100%. We have to accept that resistance from some users will continue, so find a way to increase the level of acceptance. Data loading is a major task.* Be realistic - it will be more difficult than you think.* Dealing with a 100 years backlog is difficult* One database centralised is better than two, three, four or “n” distributed *From Stewart Robinson-CDA-UK

28 @ditep Background Main purpose of NDR Types of data Reach Problems
Successes Lessons learned The way ahead

29 The way ahead We are currently working on key aspects of strategy towards the future: Complete the loading of historical data as it is still slow and incomplete in some assets Continue working on the certification and validation of the data, so that it is used as a trusted source of information by current and new users We have to put an extra effort to revert rejection by the Petro technical Specialists when it comes to “Data Publishing, Sharing and above all Accepting” Continue working to achieve standardization and integration with the E&P process The introduction of new technologies to upgrade the quality and performance of the data base and visualization software among others.



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