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 Each day complete the questions in the packet that pertain to that day’s viewing.

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2  Each day complete the questions in the packet that pertain to that day’s viewing.

3  Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir and starring Robin Williams. Set at the conservative and aristocratic Welton Academy in Vermont in 1959, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. The film was critically acclaimed and was nominated for many awards.

4 Zeitgeist of post WW II society clearly demonstrated throughout. SUBCLUTURE (BEATNIK) OF POST WW II SOCIETY CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED AS WELL

5  What causes these boys to both literally and figuratively embrace this subculture?  Throughout the film, a plethora of major and seemingly minor events occur that demand the viewer to ask, “Why?”

6  Many parallels to Holden Caulfield and The Catcher in the Rye—1951  Dead Poets Society--1959

7  Symbolism of a scene, event, object, person, place…  Movie producers, script writers, choreographers, etc. carefully choose what the audience will see. In well-crafted film, subtext or subliminal messages are incorporated.

8  Your task is to note scenes, etc. that you perceive as symbolic in some way. This may occur as an after-thought.  At the end of the movie, you will be asked to compose a 25 minute in-class essay that explains the use of symbolism in the movie. Your essay may focus on one example. You may use more than one example if the examples are related to one theme.

9  For example—The students tear out the pages of their literature anthologies that denote the strict directions for assessing poetry. This event is highly symbolic.  Do not plan on using this symbolic event for your essay.

10  On the back of your packet, jot down quick notes when you see something that strikes you as symbolic.  You may recognize a scene later…jot it down when you think of it.  Do not allow note taking to interfere with your enjoyment and understanding of the film.

11 S (Statement) When Keating commands the prep school boys to tear out the pages in their literature books that assess poetry on a scale, he is introducing them to the idea of independent thinking and creativity. E. (Explain) The boys attend a strict, traditional prep school whose head master demands conformity, tradition, and discipline. Any attempt on the boys’ part to express themselves or to “seize the day” is quickly censured by administration. Keating wants to encourage the boys to look inward and express themselves in a genuine way.

12 X (Examples) three concrete examples from the movie that demonstrate the boys’ newfound desire to think for themselves. I (Interpret and Conclude)

13  On Monday, do not use the example of the students tearing out the pages of the book. 

14  Symbols…  Motif—an idea, concept, “thing” that repeats itself throughout the movie. Example—in Catcher, suitcases appear at different times, in different forms—Gladstones, cheap suitcases, baskets used to carry things, Phoebe’s suitcase, storing suitcase in locker, keeping baseball mitt in suitcase, hiding suitcases under bed…  Interesting scene juxtaposition  Specific setting or scene…

15  What made an impression on you?  What stands out?  What is memorable?

16  Homework for Wednesday:  Read page one in packet  John Keats and “To the Virgins…”

17  Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Knox Overstreet, Charlie Dalton, Richard Cameron, Steven Meeks, and Gerard Pitts are senior students of the Welton Academy, an elite prep school, whose ethos is defined by the headmaster Gale Nolan as "tradition, honor, discipline and excellence."

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