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Alive-O 7 Term 1: Lesson 12-14 Waiting in Joyful Hope Moment Two.

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1 Alive-O 7 Term 1: Lesson 12-14 Waiting in Joyful Hope Moment Two

2 1. Advent: Time of Preparation Advent means ‘God is close’, ‘God is near’, ‘God is on the way’. We prepare for Jesus’ coming anew into our lives. We wait as the people of Israel waited in joyful hope. Bible Search: Isaiah 35:1-10 Luke 1:26-38 Luke 2:1-20

3 Advent Wreath The Advent Wreath helps us to mark our journey through the season of Advent. The circular shape reminds us that, like a circle, that it has no beginning or end. The colour violet (purple) signifies our looking forward and the rose coloured candle, which is lit on the third Sunday tells us that Christmas is coming near.

4 Jesse Tree

5 The Jesse Tree (Advent Tree) reminds us of our history as the family of God, and tells the story of our salvation in Jesus. Its branches remind us of the many great people and events in our Christian family tree who guided us towards Jesus Christ.

6 Discuss Discuss the Consider points on page 91 in the teacher’s manual.

7 2. Waiting in Joyful Hope The people of Israel waited for many generations for God to send a Saviour who would be their path to the Tree of Life and to God. For them to live without God was to live in the dark. They never gave up hope. They trusted that God would keep His promise. They watched for signs that the Saviour had come. During Advent we remember that joyful.

8 Waiting in Joyful Hope Bible Search Isaiah 9:2-4 Luke 3:4-6 Isaiah 7:10-14 2 Samuel 7:1-16

9 Discuss Discuss the Consider points on page 91 in the Teacher’s manual.

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